Chapter 104

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Aiyla quietly entered her room only to see Tapar sitting down with his eyes closed and head-trained to the ground. He didn't even move, conveying that the thing stressing him out must have affected him greatly, to the point he didn't realize Aiyla's presence in the room.

Tapar seemed hurt; Aiyla had the urge to burn whatever burned him. Aiyla shook the negative ideas out of her head and made her way towards him. She settled with the idea of comforting him instead of questioning him.

Aiyla planted a kiss on his head, "Are you okay?"

Tapar looked up and smiled faintly, "I'm fine, thank you."

Aiyla nodded, sitting next to him, "Whatever is bothering you, don't let it bother you for too long. Don't let it consume you."

"Thanks, but I'm well. I just wanted some peace, so I came here." Tapar told Aiyla.

"Tamam, you don't seem to be in the mood to talk. I'll leave you in peace, here, in our room."

"Aiyla!" Tapar spoke as he grabbed Aiyla's wrist, preventing her from leaving.

"I'm not mad, Tapar. But it would be best if you had peace and some time alone for a little bit. I'll go to my happy place and tend to some roses. I want to see you less stressed by the time I come back, okay?"

Tapar smiled, "Okay, don't take too long." Aiyla nodded at his words and made it towards the door.

"Thank you, Aiyla," Tapar spoke quietly to himself.

Aiyla walked out, clenching her fist against her chest; she felt that her heart was going to give up on her. The pain was getting worse each day, but some moments were easier for her to conceal, while other moments were hard for her to hide the pain.

The pain disappeared as she got close to the flowers. She was busy admiring the roses as someone came near her.

Aiyla looked up to see Hasan Sabbah. He looked down, "Aiyla Hatun, I came to thank you for your concern. I appreciate everyone who does anything for me, even the smallest gestures. I'm here if you need any assistance, no matter what the situation is, Aiyla Hatun." He spoke to Aiyla while looking to the ground.

Aiyla smiled as she stood straight, "We need to look after each other. After all, we serve the same state. I do appreciate your words, Sabbah. In all honesty, I approached you earlier because I never had the chance to thank you."

Sabbah was confused but laughed, "Thank me? For what?"

"If you never came that day to tell Sultan Meliksah about the ambush against Melik Tapar, then my husband could have gotten severely hurt. I'm thanking you for the work that you did, the same work that not even the Sultan's own vizier was capable of doing." Aiyla spoke straightforwardly.

Sabbah was surprised and happy to see Aiyla's dislike towards Nizamülmülk but kept his poker face visible. "No need to thank me, I was doing my job."

Aiyla nodded, "You should be proud of yourself. Well done."

Sabbah looked up to reply but froze upon seeing Sencer heading towards them. "Excuse me, I have things to attend to, but I'm always here to assist you." He said quickly before scramming away.

Aiyla nodded as she saw him scurry off. She turned around in fear after hearing footsteps approaching her from behind.

"Looks like I can't even pick my roses in peace today," Aiyla spoke in dismay as she saw Sencer's facial expression.

"Not even tomorrow or the day after tomorrow will I allow you to pick your roses in peace if I hear or see that you spoke to Sabbah," Sencer spoke in frustration.

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