Chapter 42

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A private doctor had examined Aiyla, Nizamülmülk had her brought into a private healing room.

Though there were many healers in the palace, he had more faith in this doctor.

The doctor had finished checking her but was now checking her pulse, as the look of shock was evident on her face.

"Her pulse is weak as if she's dying. All her symptoms that were obvious as I examined her only lead to one thing." She spoke up to Hace.

"Are you sure? What's the cause of this?" He questioned.

"I've heard of such situations; it's a poison that's going around in the bloodstream. It causes dizziness, hallucinations, emotional outbursts, and many things around those lines." The doctor explained.

"Poison? Impossible, she's Sultan Meliksah's daughter-in-law, they eat all together. There's no chance for her to be poisoned. The food and drinks are constantly checked, even the water. There are guards within the palace at all times; this can't be.

"This type of poison is laced on a sword or dagger, even an arrow. The last time I heard of this type of evilness, I was told that it was a development of the Batini." She told Hace.

Nizamülmülk remembered that a hatun saved Melik Tapar from an arrow that had ended up laced with poison. How could he have forgotten that Melik Tapar had ended up marrying that same person? All the stress was getting to him.

"She was hit by an arrow that was laced with poison, but the last time I had heard about this matter was that it had got removed, and her wound healed," Hace told the doctor.

"Impossible; this poison plays tricks. It makes it seem that the person is poison-free, but in reality, it's ruining the person's life." She spoke sadly.

She touched Aiyla's face softly, "She must have been in so much pain; she probably kept the majority of the pain she was feeling inside her to herself."

"What would be needed for her recovery? How can we expel such poison from her bloodstream?" Nizamülmülk asked.

"No one survived it; some took their own lives in the end, giving up against the pain. But there is someone who survived such poison, but the suffering he had experienced because of it made him remain alone away from any city." She sighed.

"He can be found at the outskirts of where the Anatolian reside. But I'm not sure if he is real, but I have heard it from many close people while traveling between the lands. Maybe the way to save her is to find that man. He would help her survive." She spoke up.

Nizamülmülk didn't know what to do. He was investigating more than one thing, and now this problem popped up.

"By the way, don't tell her about this yet. It will only do worse than good for her. She needs to hold on to life, but if she knows, then it would be easier to let go of her life. She'd instead choose to leave rather than be a burden." She was upset that such a young hatun was suffering from something so evil.

He had been taking in all of what the doctor had said while looking at Melik Tapar's wife. If she had not pushed Tapar out of the way of the arrow, then she wouldn't be in such a state. Young love is too innocent, it can lead you to drown in heartache or lead you to your death.

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