Chapter 27

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"I'm flattered that you trust me a lot, Aiyla Hatun." Elçin smiled while speaking.

Though Aiyla was feeling ill, she smiled lightly.

"You are like a biological sister that Allah did not grant me. Alhamdillah that I met you, you have made my stay at this palace more bearable because you are here." Aiyla told Elçin.

Elçin nodded softly at Aiyla's words, she didn't have the heart to tell Aiyla that she was not going to be staying much longer in the palace.

A knock was heard from the entrance, and Aiyla gave them permission to enter.

It was the healer accompanied by Gevher Hatun.

Aiyla was grateful that she had the chance to change prior to them coming.

As the healer checked Aiyla Hatun, Gevher was waiting impatiently.

Even Elçin Hatun could sense Gevher's impatience.

They both left to sit down in the seating area.

A bit later, both Gevher Hatun and Elçin Hatun got up, they both started walking towards the bed.

A knock could be heard as Melik Tapar opened the entrance shortly after.

He walked towards the bed and asked the healer how Aiyla Hatun was doing.

The healer assured him that there was nothing to worry about as she will give Aiyla Hatun a medicine that will have her back to normal in a couple hours.

Before the healer could leave, Gevher Hatun spoke out, "Is there a possibility that she's pregnant? I heard that sometimes different types of morning sickness accompanied the pregnancy."

"I didn't check for pregnancy but I could check if that's what you are concerned about." The healer replied.

Before Gevher could utter another word Tapar spoke out, "There is no need to check if Aiyla is bearing a child. It's still too early."

"Your highness, it is not too early and is very possible. I can check right now if you would like me to." The healer replied to Melik Tapar.

Aiyla was just frustrated that this whole conversation was happening like she was not in front of them.

Elçin Hatun glanced at Aiyla for a moment to see her face looking all frustrated, upset, and tired.

"No need to check now, Aiyla just woke up ill which was probably due to not covering up with the blankets properly last night." Elçin spoke out on Aiyla's behalf.

The healer got up to leave so she could make the medicine for Aiyla.

Gevher Hatun looked annoyed but left after the healer.

Melik Tapar just sighed as he looked at Aiyla.

Aiyla raised an eyebrow, "What did I do? You were the ones speaking as if I was not in the same room." She spoke annoyed.

"I'm not going to argue with you, Aiyla Hatun, you are ill so just take your medicine when it gets here and rest." He spoke as he grabbed his things to leave.

Without bothering to acknowledge Elçin Hatun, he started to walk towards the entrance.

"Take care of yourself." He spoke out to Aiyla before he left the room.

"Should I even ask?" Elçin questioned Aiyla.

"It's nothing but we tend to have mini arguments during the mornings, we wake up cranky and tired." She replied to Elçin.

"At least he cares about you." Elçin spoke honestly to Aiyla.

Aiyla felt a stab in her chest, because she knew that he didn't really care. Well, at least, not in the way that Elçin thinks he cares about me.

He cared about his reputation and who could blame him for caring about such things.

Everyone was chasing their ambitions while trying to keep their reputations flawless.

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