Chapter 2

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Early next day, Aiyla woke up to make wudu (ablution before praying) then prayed to get her day started.

After she finished praying, she heard birds chirping, which gave the peaceful notion that today will be a good day, Inshallah.

After wearing a headdress, she decided to get out of the comfort of her place and go for a walk.

She had learned how to use a sword and even shoot an arrow swiftly because Sencer insisted that it was necessary for survival. He mentioned how we never know when we will need to use such measures to defend ourselves in this lifetime.

Aiyla did not bother to argue with Sencer and allowed him to be her mentor when learning about yielding a sword and such things. The truth was the Aiyla has never needed to swing a sword or use a dagger, and she was grateful for being so lucky.

She doesn't want to cause harm to anyone. Even harming the abuser will make her feel guilty, maybe not guilty for the abuser but guilty for his/her family.

She imagines the feeling of the family having to deal with the loss of a family member, maybe she seems naive, but she would like to think of herself as a more emotional person.

She tries not to let her emotions get to her, but sometimes, she fails miserably.

She looked around the sun as had started rising a while ago.

Aiyla smiled to herself as she kept listening to the chirping of the birds. She grabbed Aslan, her brave black horse, who had become dear to her. Aslan was the keeper of her secrets, sorrows, and joys.

She got Aslan ready and mounted on the horse. Running in the meadow with Aslan had become her morning routine. It gave her an incredible feeling afterward.

After a while, she stopped by a stream so Aslan can drink water. She looked at her reflection; she wondered if she had changed much in the past year.

They do say that sometimes our reflections can be deceiving. Aiyla looked to see Aslan still drinking, and as she was about to look down to the water again, she started to hear a horse trotting down the path towards where she and Alsan were.

She went to feel for the dagger on her belt stash while hoping she would not need to use it.

She did not want any blood-stained hands because deep down, she knew that it would scar her tremendously.

Aiyla looked up to see a handsome guy on his horse. He was alone, but Aiyla kept her hand near the dagger just in case.

As their eyes met with one another, Aiyla was in a trance of some sort. Something was pulling her, making her pulse for some odd reason.

"As-salaamu Alaikum Hatun, I am just passing by to rest for a couple of minutes to allow my horse to drink his thirst away." He said quickly.

He probably sensed the mess Aiyla was in; she looked like she was scared as her hand was near her dagger, yet she seemed in a trance.

"Va-Alaikum As-salaam, I just was surprised I do not encounter anyone while I am out during this time. Sorry for my ill-manners, Bey."

Aiyla quickly left before he can say anything else. Though he seemed like a good person, people's intentions can change rapidly.

She mounted on Aslan and rode quickly back to the tribe.

Aiyla | Uyanış Büyük SelçukluOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz