Chapter 55

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Maryam kept looking at Aiyla who was sorting out all the roses she picked, "You seem happy, Aiyla Hatun." Maryam commented.

"Indeed, I'm very happy, Maryam. Elçin Hatun has returned and things look like they will be good for a while. I'm just sensing good energy." Aiyla spoke out with a vibrant tone.

"InshAllah, you are always this happy, my lady." Maryam replied.

"Ameen, thank you, Maryam." Aiyla said as she got up to bring some of the red roses to put on the tables that are located near the sides of the bed.

Aiyla hoped that she would not jinx the happiness she was feeling. She had been happy ever since she read Tapar's letter. It was a feeling she couldn't explain, yes she loved him, but feeling that someone cares back is a different type of happiness a person can experience.

She had been thinking nonstop if she would be selfish to allow this marriage to bloom into something it was initially not intended to be.

She stared at the chest where she put back the wrapped gift Tapar gave her.

Aiyla looked around the room, it was cleaned and the fresh roses were giving off a beautiful view all around the room.

"I will be leaving with Aslan for a stroll so don't wait for me, Maryam. I will see you tomorrow." Aiyla announced quickly to Maryam.

"Let me come with you, Aiyla Hatun." Maryam spoke in a stressed manner.

"Don't worry, I will be fine on my own." Aiyla assured her.

Aiyla grabbed her weapons and a cloak.

She started to leave as Maryam followed her out the room, "I have to see Melik Tapar so I can let him know I will be leaving the palace. I really don't want to go to Terken Hatun for this..." Aiyla spoke the last sentence in an annoyed tone.

Maryam nodded at Aiyla.

Aiyla smiled, Aslan has been taking up the majority of her time along with the flower gazing.

Maybe, Aiyla wanted to spend more time with things that made her happy. Aslan made her feel free and was a reminder of her mother.

Maryam smiled, "I will be taking my leave, my lady. May you stay safe."

"Thank you, Maryam. Take care of yourself." Aiyla told her.

Maryam nodded before leaving to the other direction, Aiyla was looking for Tapar until she bumped into someone.

Great, Aiyla, you have a bad habit of bumping into people these days.

"Sultanim, forgive me for my carelessness." Aiyla spoke immediately after seeing him.

"It's okay, Aiyla Hatun. It happens, don't worry about it."

"Thanks for your understanding, Sultanim." Aiyla thanked him.

Aiyla remembered she was looking for Tapar, "Your Majesty, have you seen Melik Tapar nearby?" She asked with a hopeful voice.

"No, I have not."

He paused for a moment and began speaking again, "Do you need anything?" Sultan Meliksah asked Aiyla.

"I just wanted to let him know that I will be taking Aslan for a stroll outside the palace grounds." Aiyla told him.

She quickly added, "Aslan is my horse by the way, sorry for not being clear."

The Sultan nodded, "No need for apologizing, Kizim. You may go out and enjoy your time, I'll let Tapar know that you had intended to tell him personally but couldn't find him."

"Thank you, Sultanim." Aiyla said happily.

Sultan Meliksah nodded but spoke out as Aiyla started to leave, "Take soldiers for your safety."

"I do not think I need soldiers, I just need my weapons with me. But thanks for offering, Sultanim." Aiyla spoke in the most respectful way.

"Tamam, you have a high sense of confidence to refuse my own soldiers." He laughed out loud while shaking his head. "But go ahead while it's still the beginning of the day, just stay alert."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Aiyla bowed her head a bit and left.

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