Chapter 50

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Aiyla left the dining hall to escape the uneasy emotions roaming around everyone there, she saw Tapar leave, perhaps going to see his father.

She would speak later with him, deciding not to interfere in their father and son moment.

Aiyla went to the garden outside. She looked at the beautiful flowers; she decided to pick some red roses to take up to her room, as she grabbed some scissors and a basket.

Aiyla looked up as she heard footsteps approach her. It was Maryam Hatun.

"I finished what you asked me to do, Aiyla Hatun. I'm sorry for being late." Maryam said to Aiyla.

"It's okay, Maryam. Just tell me, did you find it?" Aiyla spoke quickly.

"No, I tried asking around the nearby tribes but couldn't find anything. I looked into other nearby cities but nothing came up in my search." Maryam told her.

Aiyla listened as she picked out the roses.

"When I met the man, he was furious. He was mad that you weren't there, yourself, to see him. He refused to tell me any new information concerning the matter." Maryam complained.

"Did he say or do anything to hurt you?" Aiyla questioned quickly as she stopped the flower picking to look at Maryam.

Maryam smiled seeing how Aiyla was concerned about her, "No, he was just mad. He wants to see you. He mentioned that you will have to meet him at the same place where you first met him in Isfahan."

"Well I saw this idiot before I was tied to this palace. But now, I can't just leave the palace anytime I want, Terken Hatun has become Head Hatun until Sereriye Hatun gets better from her sickness. She won't let anything fly under nose , even simple things like leaving the palace for a walk." Aiyla spoke out in a frustrated manner.

Aiyla looked up at Maryam and smiled as she remembered what she discovered not too recent that might help her with this issue.

Not seeing Maryam after the night that she had almost suffocated as she was taking a bath, had led Aiyla to think that Maryam had been merely a hallucination she had formed.

But it turned out that Maryam was caring for a sick relative after Aiyla investigated her disappearance.

Aiyla had given Maryam a duty to do after she finished caring for her family member, it was to search for important information that Aiyla was looking for since Aiyla herself was not capable of roaming freely through the tribes and nearby cities unless she asked for permission.

Even asking for such permission was hard, but now Aiyla had to think of a way to leave the palace with no suspicions on her trail. She'll have to dodge Terken Hatun as well since Terken isn't too fond of her these days.

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