Chapter 62

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Ever since the guard came to deliver the heartbreaking news, everything seemed blurry to Aiyla.

Aiyla laid down beside Aslan whispering to him, "Don't leave me too."

Her voice was heartbreaking for Tapar to hear, seeing her in such a state made him ache in frustration.

Tapar was confused on how to comfort her, he saw the look of sorrow appear on her face the moment they got news that Aslan was suffering and in pain. But they reached him moments before he left this world.

She hadn't let a tear escape her eyes, not even a single one.

Aiyla spoke out loudly, "Aslan is smart, he's probably playing around right now because he wants more attention from me."

Tapar sighed, not sure how to get Aiyla away from here.

He looked down at the black horse that laid down covered half way with a white cloth.

"Maybe he wants more food...or maybe he wants to go out on more strolls instead of staying here. Aslan probably felt lonely, when I wasn't around." Aiyla reasoned.

Gevher Hatun came at that very moment, "What's going on here?"

Aiyla looked up the moment as she heard her voice, she was furious to see her.

She remembered Gevher's words from earlier.

Aiyla got up from Aslan as she ran her fingers through his mane for the last time as she whispered softly to him, "Seni seviyorum ama annen seni bekliyor."

Gevher raised her eyebrows as she looked at the scene before her but before she could open her mouth, Aiyla launched at her.

Aiyla tackled her to the ground and wrapped her hands around Gevher's throat, "I'm going to make you suffer just how you made Aslan suffer!" Aiyla yelled out as Gevher tried to break free from Aiyla's grasp.

"Aiyla, let go!" Tapar said as he pulled her away from Gevher.

Gevher was gasping for air as her fingers touched her throat, it was throbbing in pain.

"Aiyla, have you gone crazy?" Tapar yelled at her, he was holding her shoulders tightly making sure she wouldn't act out again.

"She killed him. She is the one to blame for his pain. He died while suffering. It's her fault." Aiyla started crying while screaming her words out.

"I swear that I had nothing to do with this, Tapar. You know that I would never do such a vile thing." Gevher told Tapar in a desperate tone.

"Oh really but she was able to threaten me with Aslan earlier." Aiyla scoffed off trying to get away from Tapar's grasp so she could try strangling her again.

"Aiyla, calm down. I know you're upset which is why you aren't using your mind correctly!" Tapar screamed at her, annoyed with her reckless behavior.

Aiyla looked at Tapar with disappointment, she thought he would understand her words and her actions, that he would be able to see how much pain she is in.

Tapar noticed the disappointment on Aiyla's face, "Aiyla, I didn't mean scream like that-"

"Don't finish your sentence. I get it. I want to be left alone." She glanced back at Aslan as she shook herself from Tapar's grasp.

Tapar knew he hurt her instead of helping her but he respected her words of wanting to remain alone.

"Tapar, let's go back to our room. She's just too emotional after losing her horse, she'll be fine after spending some time alone." Gevher touched his shoulder gently.

He kept looking at Aiyla as she disappeared from his sight.

"Let's go." Gevher spoke up again to Tapar.

He nodded and they both left but his mind was occupied with the look Aiyla gave him before leaving.

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