Chapter 56

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"Aslan!" Aiyla yelled out.

Aslan started moving as he heard her voice.

"Guess what? We're going for a ride outside of these grounds."

The horse caregiver would probably think Aiyla was crazy but he wasn't around to judge her today.

Aiyla made sure Aslan was all set and ready for the trip, "Let's go."

Aiyla got up on her horse and grabbed the reins more comfortably.

"Come on, Aslan." Aiyla spoke happily as they left the grounds.

Though everyone was correct on how she should have not gone alone, Aiyla wanted to be alone.

Her trip was meant for self reflection and she had intended to visit her mother's grave. Her mother had been in her mind ever since she learned that her father is alive.

She wasn't fully sure if the news of her father's existence is true but she was hopeful in the matter, she would want to see him before it was too late.

Aiyla kept traveling quickly through the paths as she got close to the grave. Her mother had requested to be buried in a certain area and they all had respected her wishes.

Aiyla had let go of a big breath she had been holding as she got off of Aslan.

"Mother, I came to visit." Aiyla spoke out.

She looked down at the grave and she grabbed some water from the stream that was close by in a jar that had always remained here. Aiyla left the jar here to easily access it.

Aiyla poured water all around the grave and prayed. No matter what, this was her mother even if there was a possibility she lied to her about her father.

She touched the dirt around the grave and spoke out, "Why? Why didn't you tell me the truth? Did you not know that father was alive? Was he a bad person? I have so many questions and there's no one to answer them. I wish you were still alive."

Aiyla looked around and smiled softly.

"You know, your daughter has finally fallen in love...That person finally admitted he cares deeply for your daughter. I can at least die in peace that he actually cares about me."

Aiyla laughed a bit, "I forgot to tell you, I might be coming to keep you company soon or I am not sure exactly when...Mother, you might not need to be lonely anymore. Turns out there's poison flowing in my bloodstream."

She stared at the dirt clenched in her hand, "I'm scared. Mom, I'm scared not about dying but about leaving the people I love so soon. I always pictured seeing my future children growing up and visiting you, but now, it looks like that vision is broken. You're gone, and I'll be gone as well."

Aiyla prayed again. She prayed that Allah would bless her mother's grave with endless peace.

Hearing a branch crackle, Aiyla looked around to see who's there.

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