Chapter 21

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Aiyla had been lonely ever since she saw Sultan Meliksah and the others leave.

Seeing Elçin Hatun go with them just made Aiyla more upset, she wished she could take Aslan and tag along.

She's now lonely in this huge palace, everyone who smiled at her was only doing it because of her ties to the royal family.

No one was able to stay beside her throughout the day. It was such a cold and lonely place after all.

She tried to ignore Gevher Hatun as much as possible because though she spoke calmly to her, Aiyla could feel a sense of hatred brewing within Gevher whenever she was around.

Aiyla was astonished to think that Gevher had started to feel some type of hatred towards her. Maybe Aiyla was judging her harshly.

Why would she hate her? Did she realize that this marriage was a bad thing? Was she thinking that Aiyla was taking Tapar from her? Aiyla was just stuck with these constant questions and concerns. If only Gevher knew the truth then maybe this brewing hate would stop.

Aiyla sighed, wishing Elçin Hatun was here to keep her company.

Seferiye Hatun had mentioned to her that she would tell the young hatun who would assist Aiyla in whatever she needed to go to Aiyla's room soon.

In all honesty Aiyla didn't want anyone she was not familiar with, though, at the end she decided to at least give her the benefit of the doubt.

A knock was heard as Aiyla stopped what she was doing.

"Come in!" Aiyla shouted out so that the person could hear.

A young hatun came in, she seemed like the person Seferiye Hatun mentioned to Aiyla.

"As-salaamu Alaikum, Aiyla Hatun," she spoke.

"Va-Alaikum As-salam, welcome." Aiyla replied.

Aiyla continued, "You must be here per Seferiye Sultana's request."

"Yes, your highness." The young hatun spoke quietly.

"Tamam, please the first thing is that I do hope you just call me by my name. No need for any title of sort." Aiyla stressed.

"But you're married to a man who's the son of a great sultan, he carries the blood of Sultan Meliksah." She replied to Aiyla.

"It doesn't matter, I personally would like to be called by my name just as I told you. It's for my comfort, I don't want to feel overwhelmed. Please understand."

"Tamam, I will just then address you as Aiyla Hatun." She calmly spoke.

"Forgive me for not asking sooner, but what's your name?" Aiyla asked while she went out to the balcony.

"My name is Maryam, Aiyla Hatun."

"MashAllah, such a beautiful name you have, Maryam Hatun."

"Thank you." Maryam smiled.

"You seem to be waiting for his highness, InshAllah he will be back soon." Maryam spoke cheerfully.

Aiyla looked out to the sky, it was getting dark outside.

The moon will quickly replace the sun, as darkness engulfs the sky. She was hoping for better days to come along.

She sighed while remembering to comment on what Maryam had spoken about, "InshAllah, May Allah allow them to all return safely."

No one knew that, Aiyla was torn.

It wasn't love but she stupidly cares for her so-called husband.

She knew that getting attached to him would be hopeless. He made it clear that there was nothing that would happen now or even later between them.

It's been a good period of time since their marriage but she was suffocating silently.

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