Chapter 57

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"What are you doing here?" Aiyla asked, genuinely surprised to see him.

"I came to pay a visit to my mother-in-law." Tapar spoke out.

He looked at Aiyla and then to her mother's grave. Tapar knew that she would likely question him on how he knew this place so he decided to be honest with her.

"Sencer showed me the place a while back after you protected me from the arrow. I wanted to visit her before we officially got married. I wanted to tell her that I would respect you and protect you." He told Aiyla.

Tapar looked down ashamed, "But now, I'm back here to admit that I broke my words but that now I am willing to give her daughter a beautiful life filled with happiness. I wanted to let her know that her daughter slowly entered my heart without me realizing it." Tapar spoke softly.

Aiyla brought her hand to the side of his face, "You don't need to feel ashamed, Tapar. It takes courage to admit such things, not many people are willing to admit that they have broken their promises."

Tapar moved his face a bit and kissed the palm of Aiyla's hand, Aiyla moved her hand away.

"You never miss a chance, do you?" Aiyla laughed.

"No, I don't; why should I if I have a beautiful wife standing before me." He told her as he hugged her.

Aiyla smiled into the hug, she felt safe and happy wrapped around his arms.

Far from the couple, stood the same guy Aiyla had seen in the abandoned stable.

His fist was clenched tightly to the point it was turning red.

He was furious at seeing the couple interacting with one another with so much affection. He wanted to be the one that Aiyla embraces like that.

Aiyla was smiling, she was more happy than usual these days. She wasn't sure if it's just because of the poison that her mood is all over the place but she was thankful for the happiness she felt.

"This place is beautiful..." Tapar said as he looked around, the water from the nearby stream could be heard from where they stood and the flowers were all around the area as well.

"I know, I understand why my mother wanted to be buried here. She had made sure we knew where she wanted to be buried even before she was close to her death. She told me when I was a young girl, she brought me here. Her and I used to stand here and close our eyes, listen to the water run down the stream and hear the birds chirp..." Aiyla looked around as she spoke.

"May Allah have mercy on her soul." Tapar told Aiyla.

"Ameen." Aiyla replied.

Tapar went closer to Aiyla and made sure her cloak was covering her well as he grabbed her hand, "Let's go walk in Isfahan for a bit."

Aiyla smiled, "Tamam. Let's get going."

As they got up on their horses, they raced through the pathway that led away from the place.

They both looked at each other as their horses galloped quickly on the path leading to Isfahan.

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