Chapter 75

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The first night back, Aiyla suffered a nightmare after she got herself to finally fall asleep, it made it hard for her to go back to sleep that night so she stayed up until she heard the prayer call for Fajr.

She did wudu and prayed, Aiyla prayed for all her loved ones to remain healthy and protected.

The next morning, Hazan was planning to pay Omar Khayyam a visit. She was waiting for Aiyla to finish getting ready.

"Remember, Aiyla, you are Sibel whenever we are out in public or with other people." Hazan reminded her.

Aiyla nodded, also remembering not to utter a word because as Sibel she was deemed to be not capable of speaking.

They left the house after locking it.

"Welcome, Hazan Hatun." Khayyam spoke as he saw Hazan.

Hazan smiled as Aiyla followed behind her, "Welcome, Kizim." He greeted Aiyla.

Aiyla just nodded since she wasn't able to speak.

Hazan and Khayyam were speaking but Aiyla was fascinated by the observatory.

MashAllah, the beauty of Allah's creation.

She sat down at the table and looked at the papers that had some observations on them.

Omar Khayyam smiled as he noticed Aiyla sitting down.

"Your daughter seems interested in our research, Hazan Hatun."

"Yeah, Sibel enjoys learning. Such things fascinate her." Hazan spoke out.

They walked towards her, "You should come one day at night so you could see the beauty of the night sky, Sibel, if your mother allows you."

Aiyla, took a paper and grabbed some ink to write down an answer.

"The research is rather interesting. I would be honored to visit one day when the sky is dark if mother permits me to do so, InshAllah. Thank you for the kind invitation." She wrote in the paper.

"MashAllah, your handwriting is beautiful. Thank you for viewing our research as interesting."

"Sibel is in love with the night sky. One day, we'll visit at night, InshAllah."

Khayyam nodded, Hazan and Aiyla left the observatory soon after so they could go to the market but everything was closed.

A soldier came up, "Everyone is ordered to remain inside until further notice."

Hazan nodded as she grabbed Aiyla and left back home quickly.

As they got back to the safety of their new home, Aiyla took off the scarf that hid half of her face.

"What's going on? I'm worried, Hazan Ana."

"Don't worry, Aiyla. It's better to remain home for now, it's for the safety of everyone that they gave out such orders." Hazan assured her.

Aiyla started walking back and forth quickly, "Something bad is going to happen, I could feel it."

"God forbid, Kizim. Let's just remain precautious."

Aiyla sighed, praying that nothing bad happens.

They sat in the living room quietly for a while until they heard pounding on the front door.

"Aiyla, cover ur face." Hazan told her.

Hazan grabbed a dagger as she opened the door, "Khayyam?"

"Leave everything and come to the palace. It's Nizamülmülk, he has been injured, but I will feel reassured that you are there as a trustworthy healer from my side, Hazan Hatun. His enemies have increased and I fear that they might harm him while he's being healed."

Hazan was shocked, but she turned to Aiyla, "Remain in the house no matter what and stay alert, Sibel."

Aiyla nodded, though Nizamülmülk was the one that stabbed her and led her to separate from her husband, she felt bad when she heard that he was injured.

Aiyla never wished anything bad against anyone on purpose.

She remained waiting for Hazan Hatun but the night came and she didn't come yet.

Aiyla wondered if something bad happened in the palace with Hazan Hatun. She decided to stop thinking so negatively and to get some rest.

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