Chapter 44

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Aiyla looked at herself at her reflection in the mirror, she thought about everyone she cared about in her life.

She didn't know what would happen in an hour or if she would see another day but what she knew was that she was still worried sick about Tapar.

What if he had gotten hurt badly? What if Sultan Meliksah didn't reach him in time? Thoughts like this kept staying in her mind since she went back to her room.

If only Elçin were here, but Aiyla was upset that she might not get the chance to see Elçin. Aiyla was upset about many things, she wanted to see Sencer and his mother.

Aiyla wanted to visit her mother, talk to the grave that she hadn't visited in so long, she wondered if the grave had missed her presence.

Aiyla backed away a couple of steps from the long mirror; Aiyla placed a hand on her stomach as she kept looking at the mirror.

If only she had not gotten hit with a poisonous arrow. If only it was just a regular arrow that pierced through her skin that day. But still if history would repeat itself then she would do the same just as long as it would mean that Tapar would stay alive and healthy.

She kept glancing at the mirror as a different type of sadness took over her.

If only she had a chance to be blessed with a child in this lifetime, just one child before this poison invades her bloodstream completely or drives her to insanity. Though there was no hope in her marriage to bloom in it's current state, Aiyla still prayed that it would change and blossom into something beautiful in the future.

She would have cradled the baby in her arms as she sang a lullaby to him.

Beautiful things take time and faith, Aiyla reminded herself.

Aiyla wiped her tears away; she decided to visit Seferiye Sultana.

She entered her room to see no one around Seferiye Hatun.

She sat near Seferiye Hatun and grabbed her hand, "I know that you must feel that everything is a mess in your head, but I do hope that you will feel well soon." Aiyla told her as she grabbed her hand to kiss it.

Aiyla stood up to leave but felt something odd in the room, and she turned around only to witness shadows moving around but quickly closed her eyes and opened them up to only see Seferiye Hatun resting in her bed.

Aiyla looked around the room again before leaving.

As Aiyla was walking back to her room, she bumped into MahMelek.

"Sorry, I've been out of it lately." Aiyla apologized to her.

"It's okay; we are all ordered to go see the Head Hatun,"  MahMelek spoke out quickly.

"I just checked on her. She's fast asleep," Aiyla said out loud.

MahMelek smiled happily, "My mother is the Head Hatun now, as ordered by our Sultan."

Great, Terken Hatun will probably be more annoying now with the new title she received. Was this all her planning?

Aiyla threw a smile at MahMelek as they both walked together.

While walking, Aiyla was thinking about everything that's been going on. She knew Tapar had arrived, but she was yet to see him.

Aiyla went back to thinking about Terken.

Getting rid of Elçin Hatun from the palace and making sure that Elçin falls from the Sultan's grace seems like Terken Hatun doing but she didn't stop there.

She probably had something to do with what's happening with Seferiye Hatun's sickness.

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