"Clary may be able to activate the Sword, but I can destroy it. The Angel Ithuriel confirmed that in a vision." Jace says.

"Angel? Impossible." Raphael snarls.

"I saw it, too. He's telling the truth." Clary says.

"You kill Alisha or Clary, Valentine still has the damn Sword. Over time, no doubt, he'll find a way to activate it. Now is our chance to destroy that Sword for good. Why not let Jace try?" Luke says.

"Why would a Shadowhunter risk his life for us?" Maia spits.

"Maia." Alisha scolds.

"Because you and Raphael are gonna tell your Downworld buddies not to lay a hand on Alisha or Clary. That's the deal." Jace says.

"And they'll listen to me?" Raphael says.

"Maybe. You're the leader of the most powerful vampire clan in all of New York. They respect you." Jace comments. Raphael looks at Maia, then he turns back to Jace.

"What exactly is your plan?" Raphael asks. "It better not involve those two young mutts over there." He nods towards the two brothers who snarl. The three of them never got along.

"Don't underestimate me, I can snap your neck with my teeth." Isaac snarls before turning to their alpha.

Alisha, Magnus and Clary are sneaking through the halls. Clary and Alisha with their seraph blades. Alisha and Clary stand in front of Magnus.

"On the video call, Simon was in Aldertree's office. This way." Clary says and leads the way to Aldertree's office.

"Careful, Clary. Circle members could be anywhere." Magnus warns. The lights flicker and Clary looks around the corner and sees Madzie.

"It's Madzie." She states making Alisha and Magnus turn around. They watch her walk away.

"Go get her. I'll find Simon." Clary says.

"Are you sure?" Magnus asks Clary.

"She's being used, Magnus. None of this is her fault, but she needs to be stopped." Clary says.

"We'll meet you in Aldertree's office." Magnus says and Clary nods.

"Okay." She says and then walks off leaving Magnus and Alisha to find Madzie. The warlock and hybrid turns around the corner and see Madzie standing over a dead body.

"Hello, sweet pea." Madzie turns around. "I'm Magnus." Madzie pulls off her scarf, sucking away all the oxygen. Magnus is not affected by it, but quickly grabs Alishas hand so she isn't affected either.

"I know you're scared. You don't have to be." Magnus shows her his cat eyes. "See, I'm just like you, Madzie. I'm a warlock, too." Magnus looks at the body again. "These men are using you for your abilities."

"He said Nana was here." Madzie says.

"He lied. We wanna help you, Madzie. For real." Magnus says. Madzie comes closer to Magnus making him smile.

"Your the white wolf." Madzie says to Alisha who raises an eyebrow.

"I am, how did you know that sweetie?" Alisha asks softly.

Together • ALEC LIGHTWOOD {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now