"No, Valentine needs an energy source. He needs lightning." Clary comments.

"He's got it. Every Institute is powered by an angelic power core." Luke informs.

"Alec's not picking up. Let's move." Jace says as he and Alisha walk back over to the group.

"Valentine's gonna wish he never laid a hand on Simon. I'll make sure of it." Clary says and goes to move again but Jason lifts her up and spins her around.

"Whoa, whoa! You're not going anywhere near that Institute. We're taking you to Magnus. Both of you. He can protect you." Luke says.

"No, I don't need to be protected. I need to save Simon." Clary says.

"The Downworld knows that we're the key to activating that Sword. They want us both dead so your not going anywhere, your going to Magnus's and we're staying there." Alisha states, not wanting to risk the downworld.

"I can save Simon." Jace states.

"Doesn't work that way. If I'm not the one who shows up, Valentine is gonna kill him." Clary says. From a distance, they hear a voice. Alisha swiftly turns around.

"Wait..." the voice croaks. The six of them rush over to the voice.

"Dot?" Clary asks when they see the weak warlock. She has black veins just like Alisha had.

"There's another way to destroy the Sword." Dot speaks. Alisha quickly opens the cage and helps the warlock up.

In Magnus's apartment, Dot lies on his couch after Magnus gave her some medicine. Alisha stands between her brothers as she watches with sympathy.

"There you go. You'll start feeling better in no time." Magnus says softly.

"Thank you." Dot smiles.

"Dot, tell us everything you know." Clary says impatiently.

"I heard Valentine briefing his men. If Jace touches the Sword, his grip would destroy it." Dot says making Alisha frown.

"Me?" Jace questions.

"Why should we believe a word she says? It's probably just another trap." Luke says with uncertainty.

"Luke, Clary, you know me." Dot says and looks over at the Lotova's with a weak smile.

"You've lied to me before." Clary states.

"Because of the injections." Alisha watches her, understanding what she means. "But now that he has the warlock girl, he's cast me aside. I'm myself again."

"Good story, but I've heard better." Luke says.

"Luke." Alisha scolds quietly.

"Wait. In the vision from Ithuriel, the demon that destroyed the Sword had a clawed hand." Jace says.

"Exactly. It has nothing to do with you." Clary comments.

"Perhaps I can lend some insight. Show me this vision." Magnus says and holds one hand against Clary's head and the other against Jace's. The three of them close there eyes and starts speaking Latin.

"The star in the sky." Magnus says after a while.

"Yeah, I remember." Clary says.

"Angels are higher beings. They communicate through metaphors. Morgenstern means 'Morning Star', as in, 'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning'. The vision seems to be speaking of a... demonic Morgenstern." Magnus says and looks at Jace.

"Me." Jace states. "That's why Valentine wanted me under his control. I can derail his plan. I can destroy the Soul-Sword."

"And destroy yourself in the process." Magnus says catching Alishas attention.

"Nope. Absolutely not." She says whilst clary says:

"No. That's a suicide mission. No way."

"Oh, says the girl who was willing to die for the Downworld, what, yesterday? And the hybrid that would die for pretty much anyone?" Jace says making Alisha roll her eyes, even though she knows it's true.

"She's right, Jace. It's too dangerous." Luke adds.

"Look, I'm not gonna touch the Sword. I'll just get to it before it's activated, and bring the Mortal Instrument back to the Clave, where it belongs. Trust me." Jace says.

Magnus is overlooking New York from his balcony with Alisha, when Clary walks out onto the balcony too. "I'm not used to feeling so... powerless." Magnus says with a sigh. Alisha grabs his hand, squeezing it. The warlock smiles thankfully at the hybrid. Clary's phone suddenly rings. It's another video call from Simon. Clary sighs and accepts the call. She sees Simon tied to the same chair he was tied in before and Valentine standing around him.

"Oh, my God! Simon, are you okay?" Clary asks making Magnus and Alisha look over.

"Simon's fine. We've just been having a nice talk. You know, he told me your greatest wish was to get to know your old man. Which is funny, because it's always been my wish to get to know my daughter. And so, I'm here, and I'm waiting for you. And frankly, well, Clarissa, I'm losing my patience." Valentine states and takes out his seraph blade. He places it on Simons neck and the drags it along. Blood flows from his neck. Alisha and Clary gasp loudly and Magnus turns away. The hybrid wastes no time in wrapping her around around the trembling shadowhunter. Valentine kneels down by the camera. "The vampire has a half-hour, maybe 40 minutes, before he turns to dust. Come quick, Clarissa. He needs blood to survive."The call ends and Clary turns to Magnus, shrugging Alishas arms off of her.

"Portal me to the Institute." She says.

"Clary, we can't." Magnus says.

"Now!" She shouts. Magnus looks at Alisha who stares shocked at the girl.

Together • ALEC LIGHTWOOD {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now