75 | tightroping the shark

Start from the beginning

"Okay, all right, okay," Rudy glared at them and Jack and Milton took this as their cue to get started again, only this time Jack climbed up the ladder, "Look, my point is, whenever I feel rejected I just look for something to take my mind off it, you know, cheer me up. Like Milton and Jack's stunt. This is the perfect distraction."

"What? You think their stupid circus act is going to cheer me up?" Jerry asked in disbelief.

"Of course it is," Azalea said, "When I'm feeling down, I look at things that makes me laugh - and trust me - this is going to make you laugh - or cry, depending on if Milton survives."

Jack jumped off the ladder and onto the teeter-totter that sunk down at a fast speed while Milton was catapulted into the air and somehow managed to land on the giant bra at the top of bra-barn with a thud.

"Lea was right. That totally cheered me up," Jerry said as he and Azalea laughed.


"I can't believe you managed to rope mom into going on teeter-totter with you," Azalea said in disbelief as they walked towards the dojo the next day.

Somehow Rudy had convinced their mother to do it and in the end he had crashed through the roof of Phil's restaurant, disrupting the meeting between Milton, Jack and their hero, Spanky Danger.

"I also can't believe you managed to get me into trouble by saying was mean to you for not doing it myself," Azalea continued to grumble.

"Revenge for all the times you've gotten me into trouble," Rudy said smugly just as Jack opened the door and they all gagged at the awful smell that came out of the dojo.

"Ew, what is that smell?" Jack grimaced.

"It's like a combination of dead fish, seagull poop and low tide," Milton said and then all three boys realised what it was.

"Jerry's socks."

They braced themselves before stepping inside to see Jerry sitting on a high chair that overlooked a small pool with one pelican sitting on the edge while another sat on a bench.

"I have so many questions," Azalea said in shock, "The first one being; does anyone else see the pelicans?"

"Jerry, what is going on in here?" Jack asked him.

"Dude, you set up a kiddie pool in my dojo without asking?" Rudy said angrily before a grin broke out on his face, "Pool party!" he exclaimed before he walked up to his office.

"Jerry, there you are," Taylor said as she entered, "You bird napped the pelicans from the aquarium."

"I didn't bird-nap them," Jerry defended himself, "I just blindfolded them and took them against their will to a hideout - oh, no, yeah, I kinda bird-napped them."

"It takes more than a kiddie pool and a bucket of sar-" Taylor took a deep breath after having looked in the bucket, "Why is this bucket filled with donut holes?"

"Are pelicans not supposed to eat donut holes?" Jerry asked.

"No, they are not," Taylor told him slowly.

"These donut holes are Jack's," Jerry lied, handing him the bucket.

"I'm going to get the pelican handler," Taylor announced.

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