74 | fight at the museum

Start from the beginning

"That's my favourite show!" Rudy exclaimed behind them and Azalea hadn't even noticed he was there, too busy trying to comprehend what was happening when a camera was pointed in her direction.

"I'm just gonna get out of image," Azalea took a step away from Jack, "before this show ruins my image," she joked to herself.

"This woman is an actress," Don Quinonas said to Jack, "and our hidden camera just caught you giving her wallet back."

"It's really no big deal," Jack shrugged modestly.

"Yeah, you heard him," Rudy pushed Jack away, "It's not a big deal. "Uh, did your camera catch me helping the dork boy? Because that was a big deal."

"Excuse me, sir, we are talking to a real hero," Don Quinonas said dismissively towards Rudy, pushing him back.

"Hero?" Azalea couldn't help but ask sceptically. Because while she loved her boyfriend and he was far nicer than she was, it wasn't exactly heroic to tell someone they dropped their wallet.

"It's not every day we meet someone with your kind heart," Don continued.

"I'm a hero!" Rudy yelled like a child. "A hero with a huge heart!" When Don started to lead Jack and the actress away from Rudy he ran over to a young boy with a turtle backpack and started to drag him after them, forcing the boy to run in order to keep up, "Tell 'em, dork boy. TELL 'EM I'M HERO!"

"Rudy, let go of the poor child," Azalea ran after him, grabbing Rudy's ear to make sure he stopped and let go of the child.

"Cute backpack," she smiled down at the young boy, "Now go and find your parents and the next time a stranger grabs you like that you are allowed to punch, scream, kick and bite. Okay, honey?" she asked him and he nodded. "Now run along," she patted him on the shoulder and the boy ran away.

She turned around and smacked Rudy on the back of the head, "There should be a show for people not doing as many mean things as they could despite provocation."


Azalea sat by the smoothie bar doing her homework when Jack entered the dojo after having been interviewed. "Hey, ba-"

"There you are," Rudy said, having been seated on some mats beside the door where Jack couldn't seen him.

"Sorry, I didn't have time to warn you," Azalea gave her boyfriend a sheepish smile when he stopped and turned around to face Rudy in confusion.

Rudy stalked towards him with a glare, "You little glory stealer."

"Yeah, okay, so I picked up a wallet so I could be on TV," Jack said sarcastically.

Rudy laughed in victory, "So you admit it!"

"He was being sarcastic you moron," Azalea rolled her eyes.

"Oh, so you are taking his side?" Rudy said accusingly.

"I didn't know there was a side to be taken," Azalea sighed tiredly, "and honestly I don't care."

"Well, now it's my turn to be on TV," Rudy said smugly, "I hired an actress online to play an old woman with a walker. She will struggle across the courtyard and I will heroically swoop in and carry her to her destination."

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