"Not now, Clary." Luke states.

"Luke." Alisha tries whilst Clary days:
"Please." The pair give Luke a look as they walk to the kitchen of the restaurant. Luke follows after them leaving Alaric and more werewolves to stay with Cleophas.

"Look. I know my sister's convincing, but you can't fall for her lies." Luke begins the conversation with the two teenagers.

"She's not that convincing. I wasn't sure until she called me Clarissa. Only Valentine calls me that." Clary states making both werewolves smile, obviously proud.

"Well done. Now, what the hell are they planning?" Luke questions.

"That's what we have to figure out. Valentine has the Soul-Sword, Luke. If she can lead us to him–" Alisha tries but Luke quickly cuts her off.

"Not happening."

"Well, isn't that what cops do? Go undercover?" Clary says, helping Alisha out.

"I didn't realize you had a badge." Luke states with slight attitude.

"This is our chance to make Valentine pay for what he did to Mom, to stop him before he hurts anyone else." Clary says.

"No. We're turning Cleo over to the Clave. They have more resources." Luke says.

"No. The Clave will question her but do nothing." Alisha says. Clary nods agreeing.

"We need to do something now. If he has the Sword, who knows what he'll do next." She states.

"Clary, Alisha, we'll find another way. I'm gonna talk to the pack. We're taking Cleo to the Institute." Luke says and begins to walk off.

"Luke." Clary tries but Luke leaves the kitchen. The two teens look over at each other.

"You have a glint in your eye." Alisha states after a few moments of silence.

"What?" Clary asks confused.

"A glint. Whenever you have a plan, usually a stupid one, your eyes glint up." The hybrid explains. "Now, put with it."

In the institute, Isabelle is watching a holographic map of the city. Sweat covered her skin, making her glisten in the light. She breathes heavily as she tries to continue with work.

"Where have you been?" Alec asks his sister as he approaches her. "Had to slaughter a horde of Shax demons in Grand Central. Could've used your help." Izzy zooms into a city-block and pulls up some pictures. "What are you doing?" Alec asks intrigued.

"Uh... Aldertree has me on a special assignment. I'm checking out some rogue vamp dens." Izzy lies to her brother, hoping he won't catch on. She tries her best to control the shaking in her hands but they still continue to shake ever so slightly.

"Are you okay?" Alec asks concerned. Izzy turns to her brother and plasters a fake smile on her face.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She says.

"You don't seem fine." Alec says, slightly confused as to why she's acting all weird.

"I'm... tired. Yeah." Izzy makes up quickly. "Um, your message said you wanted to talk. Do you have a lead on Cleophas?"

"No. Not yet. Alishas out looking for her with Clary and Luke." Alec says, leaning towards Isabelle.

"Then what is it?" Izzy asks, lowering her voice.

"It's about Alisha. Look, um... How do you know... in your experience, you know, when's the, uh... the right time?" Alec asks very awkwardly. Izzy beams with excitement, understanding what her brother is going on about.

"Oh, my God, are you talking about having sex?" She asks, practically jumping up and down.

"Can you not discuss my sex life with the entire Institute, please?" Alec says quickly, looking around checking no one heard Izzy.

"Alec, is this your first time with Alisha?" When Alec doesn't respond, Izzy continues. "Your first time ever?" Alec still keeps quiet. "It all makes sense now. That's why you didn't want me to meet Jessica Hawkblue." She pushes him playfully. "Wait, was there ever a Jessica Hawkblue?"

"Are you done?" Alec says with a roll of his eyes.

"Okay. You and Alisha, you want to..." Izzy trails off.

"I think so. I don't know." Alec says with a sigh. "Everything's been going so well since she came back from Valentine and I just want her to be happy. I was taking her out tonight I though that we could... you know..."

"Alec, you care about Alisha. She cares about you. It's okay. Just don't do what you always do." Izzy says with a smile.

"And what's that?" Alec asks.

"Overthink it. Like you're doing now." Izzy smiles.

"No, I don't overthink things." She gives him a look. "Do I?"

"Look... If it's what you want, if it makes you happy, then go for it." She smiles at her brother. Alec nods and walks away. Izzy sighs and begins to shake and sweat even more.

Alaric and Luke are talking by the kitchen door when Alisha and Clary walk out of the kitchen.

"Pretty cold-blooded, turning your sister over to the Clave." Alaric states.

"Remember that the next time the pack tries to question my authority. Get ready. We leave in five." Luke states and walks towards Cleophas whilst Alaric walks out of Jade Wolf. "It's time." Luke turns to Clary and smiles at her. "Kiddo, it'll be okay."

"You believe in what you're doing." Clary looks at Alisha who is standing right beside Luke. "And so do I." They nod at each other making Alisha swiftly grab Luke's taser from his jeans whilst Clary goes and grips Cleophas's arm. Alisha turns it on and tases Luke making him groan and fall to the floor. The hybrid states at Luke, feeling slightly bad until Clary's voice pulls her out of it."Let's go!" Alisha nods and runs out of the restaurant with Clary and Cleophas. Luke watches in pain as the three rush off.

Together • ALEC LIGHTWOOD {book 2}Where stories live. Discover now