71 | rv there yet?

Start from the beginning

"My locker first!"

"This is gonna be great!" Rudy yelled as the RV rolled away, dragging him with it, "Great I tell you."

"What did I do to deserve this?"


"Hoooo! Camptown ladies sing this song. Doodah, doodah," Rudy sung as he drove down some dark road in the middle of nowhere, "Camptown racetrack five miles long. Oh, the doodah day. Take it!"

Jack and Rudy who sat next to each other in the double passenger's seat just glared into the air and Azalea who sat in the backseat was looking out the window while wishing she could be anywhere else.

When Rudy realised that no one would take over he continued, "Got to run all night. Got to run all night-"

"RUDY!" all of them yelled at the same time, fed up by his singing.

"It has been eight hours," Milton snapped, "I can't take anymore singing."

"You know what you two need?" Rudy addressed the boys, "A little fresh country air." He opened the window and stuck out his head.

"Rudy, as a passenger I would appreciate if you kept your eyes on the road," Azalea told him and when Rudy's head came back in it was covered in dirt and flies.

"Uh - oh, yeah," Rudy grimaced, "Nothing like that fresh country air." He wiped his face with his hand and continued driving. "Just four more hours and we are gonna be camping on the edge of the gorge."

"Four hours?" Azalea exclaimed in horror, "Rudy, you said it was going to be a short trip. I'm going to die in this car."

"Rudy, I'm getting hungry. And I know Zalee is getting hungry which isn't nice for anyone," Jack said while looking at the map, "And look, there is a Waffle Hut up ahead."

"They only serve breakfast," Milton said, "I don't do breakfast for dinner."

"Here we go," Jack muttered in exasperation.

"My digestive system plays by the rules, Jack," Milton said, "Unlike you and your renegade bowels."

"Okay, Milton, you pick a spot," Rudy decided.

"Why does he get to pick?" Azalea complained, "I'm the innocent bystander that was dragged into this mess. I should get to pick."

"Milton is picking this time," Rudy said firmly.

"What about Garden Patch up in Pahrump?" Milton suggested, "I've heard really good things about their pickled jicama."

"Uh, I don't eat pickled jicama," Jack protected, "You know why? Because I'm a dude!"

"Oh, really?" Milton mocked, "Tell that to your hair!"

"Oh, he went after hair," Azalea whispered to Rudy, "Shit it about to get real."

"What? You are just jealous!"

"Yeah, you look like a girl!"

The two started fighting and Rudy yelled, "So help me, if you keep this up, I will turn this RV around."

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