68 | from zeroes to heroes

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Azalea pulled away and rolled her eyes at her brother's immature behaviour. Jack shifted beside her and allowed her to lay down on the couch with her head in his lap.

She went back to reading while Jack played with her hair, "You are coming with me to the Sea Dogs game tomorrow, right."

"Of course," Azalea told him, "Somebody has to stop Rudy from getting banned if we lose."


"Oh, yeah! The Sea Dogs won!" Rudy announced loudly as they walked into the bowling alley, "They are one game away from winning the championship."

"Let's go Sea Dogs!" Jack yelled and the rest of the team except for Azalea barked rhythmically.

"I love the Sea Dogs," Louis said, "You know, I met my wife at a game and I still love them."

"That's so - sweet, I guess," Azalea said.

"Izzy!" Jack exclaimed as the rock star picked up a bowling ball from the returner beside them, "Dude, what are you doing here? I thought your band was on their world tour."

"Long story - my jet broke," Izzy said in his weird British accent.

"Not such a long story," Louis pointed out.

"Jack, look at this," Izzy said, "I invented a game. You take this hard ball, you stick your fingers in the holes and then you throw it-" instead of throwing it onto the court he turned around and rolled it towards some people behind him that screamed.

"You mean bowling?" Azalea asked, "That game already exists and you are supposed to throw the ball at the pins and not at other people."

"Where is the fun in that?" Izzy asked, "Pins can't run and scream."

"Fair point," Azalea said, "But another thing the pins can't do is sue you."

Izzy looked at their appearance, "Oh, embarrassing for you three. Wearing the same clothes."

Rudy chuckled, "No, we are dressed up because we just came back from a baseball game."

"If the Sea Dogs win tomorrow, they will be World Champions," Jack added excitedly.

"World Champions!" Izzy exclaimed loudly, "That's so exciting. I never thought I'd live to see the day!"

"You have no idea what baseball is, do you?" Azalea said.

"Not a clue!" Izzy said with the same excitement.

"We are going tomorrow. You have to come with us, man," Jack invited him, "Rudy has an extra ticket."

"I do, but I'm bringing a date," Rudy said apologetically. "Hey, Jeannie, do you want to go to the game with me tomorrow?"

Jeannie just scoffed before walking away.

"Ouch," Azalea laughed.

"You know what? It would be my pleasure to introduce you to America's past - Alison, do you - want," Rudy couldn't finish his sentence before Alison had walked away in the opposite direction.

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