67 | gold diggers

Start from the beginning

"Show me the money!"

"You three are pathetic."


The next day Rudy, Jack and Milton eagerly waited Edna's lawyers return so he could tell them what they had inherited. "This is so exciting," Jack exclaimed, "I can't believe Edna named us in her will."

"I can believe that she didn't name me," Azalea said, knowing that the old lady hated her for her 'poor manners'.

A whimpering Jerry walked into the dojo with a bouquet of flowers. He fake-cried loudly, "I just heard about Edna. Oh, I love her more than anything-"

"You are not in the will, Jerry," Jack told him.

Jerry immediately dropped the flowers into a trash and stopped whimpering, "I'm going bowling," he walked towards the door.

"Ooh, I'm coming with you," Azalea stood up.

"You don't want to know what Edna left us?" Jack wondered.

"Eeeh, no," Azalea gave him a quick kiss, "But you boys have fun with your fortune. I'm gonna kick Jerry's ass at bowling."


After Azalea had crushed Jerry in bowling the two got some food. Azalea was busy eating her french fries while Jerry paced in front of her and Phil who was working behind the counter.

"You know, Edna didn't leave me in her will because when I sparred with her, I kept it real, yo," Jerry said, "I mean, sure, it resulted in a broken hip, but, hey, we went right back to sparring once I healed."

"I'm pretty sure she hates me for the opposite reason," Azalea said, "When I sparred with her I barely tried because I didn't want to break her hip."

"There is a story about Edna in the paper," Phil told them, "She swam with sharks, she climbed Mount Seaford and she made a fortune running her Chuck-a-Doodle Donut shop."

"I'll never forget her in that rooster suit outside her store, squaring our a dozen donut holes," Jerry said, "Doesn't get any fresher than that."

"Edna knew how to live," Phil stated, "All Phil does is work. I will never get to do all the things that I want to get to do that I never get to do."

"That was a lot of words very quickly," Azalea said, popping a fry into her mouth, "Like what, Phil?"

"Three things," Phil said, "'A', I want to do the skydive. 'B', I and to be on the TV. And three, I want to meet famous action stay Sylvester Stallion."

"Do you mean Sylvester Stallone?" Azalea frowned.

"You know what, Phil?" Jerry asked, "Azalea and I are gonna help you do those things."

"Really, Jerry?" Phil asked hopefully.

"Yeah, really, Jerry?" Azalea asked and Jerry nodded.

"Thank you," Phil said, "Because of you two I will finally be the man that I always wanted to be." With that Phil put on a pink hennin and danced over to a table.

"Hey, kids! The magic birthday princess is here!"

"Okay, he really needs this."


"Oh, Jerry, thank you for getting me on TV," Phil smiled as he excitedly waited for his TV moment.

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