"I knew you weren't a real principal." Jack told him, "You made fart noises with your hands over the PA system."

"Right, with my hands," Funderburk chuckled awkwardly.

"But while we all suspected that you weren't a real I don't think anyone would have guessed spy," Azalea said, "Lunatic that has escaped mental asylum was higher up on the list."

Funderburk glared at her before composing himself, "I brought you three here because I need your help fighting and the spread of R.A.S.H."

"Oh, I got one of those from a canoe seat last summer," Milton said, "If you rub butter on it-"

"R.A.S.H stands for 'Radical Agents Sabotaging Humanity'," Funderburk explained, thankfully cutting Milton off.

"Yeah, you are gonna need more than butter for that," Jack told him.

"You do realise I'm just a kid, right?" Milton asked, "Look, I only have two armpit hairs."

"Please put the ginger twins away," Jack told him when Milton raised his arm.

"You are no ordinary kids," Funderburk told them, "Milton, you have one of the highest IQs I've ever seen."

"What's this?" Milton pushed a button and a small missile flew past them and crashed into the wall.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of those," Funderburk said dismissively.

"Why don't you stand over here?" Azalea moved Milton so he was standing in the middle of the room where he couldn't touch anything.

"And Jack," Funderburk chuckled and then he pushed a button on a remote so a video of Jack climbing up a building during the Hachmachy Prince's visit appeared, "You scaled a 90-story building, took out a highly trained agent with his own tranq dart and saved the life of a foreign prince."

"I do have my moments," Jack said in fake modesty.

"Yeah, like the time you tripped over a couple of bo-staffs and lost your memory," Azalea snorted, "Or when you ran face first into a tree when trying to escape some bees."

"Oh, and Azalea," Fundetburk turned to her, "The youngest black belt in California. You are one of the smartest people I've ever met - and you can be a little scary at times."

"Thanks," Azalea frowned at the last part, "You forgot to mention that I'm the only one with some common sense."

"But I scaled a building," Jack said.

"Yes, and that was a test, Jack. A test you past with flying colours," Funderburk told him, "In fact, it was Agent 34 who played the Prince."

"Come again?"

"You don't recognise me, Jack? Azalea?" the old man asked in a raspy voice, "How about now?" he ripped off the mask to reveal who they had previously thought to be Prince Yuval.

"Ooh, wow. Did that hurt?" Milton asked cursorily.

"No," Agent 34 snorted before letting out a pained whine. He then ripped off his old man clothes to reveal a pair of jeans, a shirt shirt and a black vest underneath, "I'm Agent Shane Peters. My father is the greatest spy that ever lived, and I'm exactly like him. Right, Funderburk?"

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