COTC charatcers as vines Part 13

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George:Is that guy sleeping or dead?
Jane:Hopefully dead I hate that guy
George:Yeah me too!

Eliza:Yeah I'll just have a sprite
(Waiter)Secret Keeper:Well fuck you

Stacks:*Sneezes* Hey Secret Kid can I borrow a tissue?
Secret Keeper:Yeah sure *Gives Stacks a tissue box that is on fire*
Stacks:Secret Keeper!
Secret Keeper:Oops...

(Jason at the royal sleepover in capture the flag part 4)
Xavier:*Laying on the bed*
Jason:*Jumps on the bed but Xavier falls out the window*
The champions:OH MY GOD-

(Teen)Paloma:*Trying to cross the street*
(Teen)Honey suckle rangers and The champions:*Driving*Hit that bitch! Hit that bitch!
(Teen)Keun Sup:Guys no! That's my girlfriend!

Bernard:*Walks into Craigs room and sees him kissing Jason*
(Teen)Craig:What?! Get out!

Xavier:Tony! Jason! Are you passing notes?! Jackie read it to me or I'm gonna put these two in the maze!
Jackie: 'Xavier crying is funny'
Xavier: HEY-

(Coraline)Jason: *Minding his own business*
(Coraline)Tony:Oh wait, Jason! I wanna show you this real quick!
(Coraline)Tony:*Hits that yeet* Yeet :D
(Coraline)Jason:W-what was that...
(Coraline)Tony: .-.

(Coraline)Xavier:You're in time out! Get on top of the fridge!
(Coralline)Tony:This treehouse is a fucking nightmare!

Keun Sup:Would you rather pull the plug on your phone or your grandpa?
Xavier:Hm, what's my phone at?
Maya: 30%
Xavier:Oh shoot! Well goodbye grandpa!
The champions:...

(9 y/o)Paloma:I would like to raise a toast to my father, he's dead so he can't be here *Raises a picture of her dad* I love you dad :)
Palomas mom and step mom: *On the verge of tears*

(Coraline Xavier after The Cat ripped out his eyes)
(Coraline)Xavier:You look great today :)
(Coraline)Maya:Oh thanks...
(Coraline)Xavier:*Head* Ha I'm blind I have no idea how she looks I'm such a prankster

Jason:These bitches be like, 'I wOkE uP lIkE tHiS' BITCH GO BACK TO SLEEP!

Craig:*On the phone with Wildernessa* Um...Wildernessa-
Wildernessa:BITCH WHAT-

(Coraline)Jason:Going to the supermarket :) AAAHHH
(Coraline)Jason:I brought a chicken :>

Xavier:This date is going great, may I hold your hand?
Xavier: *Accidentally crashes the snail with his hand* No! How am I going to find another gay snail :(

Paloma:Girls night :) *Literally hanging out with a bunch of chickens*
Also Paloma: pedicure! *Paints her toe nails*
Also Paloma:Talking about boys
Also Paloma:Pillow fight! *Throws the pillow at the chickens*
The chickens: *Runs away*

(Teen)Junior Forest Scouts:We're about to graduate :)
(Teen)Tony: *Accidentally trips while trying to get his degree*
(Teen)Jason and Boris: .-.

Tony: *Tries to get a bag of tortilla chips but it falls on him* Ah! Hurricane Katrina? More like hurricane tortilla!

Scooter girl: *Does a scooter trick*
Warpspeed:That was legitness :3
Todd:Yeah it was!

Tony: *Tries to throw a frisbee but throws it in the street by mistake*
Kelsey:What the fuck, Tony?!

(Adult)Jason:Hey honey did you wash the dishes?
(Adult)Craig:I thought, you wanted to do the dishes...
(Adult)Jason: *Fake laugh* You were wrong...

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