Chapter 7. Housewife Material

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Yeah, we can talk about how you found my embarrassing first love so entertaining.

Eve then leans on him, being only an inch taller than him really helped in making him blush a little.

Evelynn: Y/N, darling. You would be a dear and let Akali go just this once~?

And she's using her charm again. I already hear Marco trying not to laugh again.

Y/N: Mmmmm.... Fine....!

He was a blushing mess, that charm works wonders even if he's able to resist. We head up to the penthouse and totally forgot about the huge mess of the place. I really hope Y/N doesn't think less of us for what he's about to see. The elevator opens up and to our surprise, neither one of the boys reacted the way I thought they would.

Marco: Trying to hide a dead body or something?

Y/N: This reminds me of the time I had to find a hoarder. Almost reduce his apartment to ashes in the attempt.

Ahri: Sorry for the mess.... We didn't really have time since we had the concert.

Y/N: Not a problem. I helped with cleaning the city after the sludge people came and attacked. That was a messy city. This is a mess house.

Marco: I'll help out but I bet you won't let-

Before he could finish the sentence, Y/N was already cleaning the place rather quickly. Even getting the articles of loose clothing off the ceiling fan. He didn't really seem affected by anything he saw but you could tell he was a little annoyed. He eventually finishes and goes into the kitchen, no doubt to cook something.

Akali: Can you grab me one of my ramen cups from the pantry?

Y/N: You're what!?

The voice was angered. This will not end well for one of them.

Akali: My food of course!

Y/N grabs the ramen cups and inspects them. He looks furious, it's honestly kinda scary.

Y/N: This.... Garbage.... is what you call FOOD!?!

Akali backs up wide eyed, fear written on her face. Y/N incinerates them and pulls out a headband. Tying it too his head in a fashion similar to an anime. The way he was doing it was intense. Marco was semi-smirking semi-sweating. That just screams 'Here we go again'.


He flies out the window at blinding speeds. I was just about to ask where he went but he came back with a bag full of ingredients and 6 bowls. He then sets everything in a neat order. He puts his hands together and chants something in.... German? Marco goes and takes a seat at the table while the 4 of us watch him carefully. It was like watching an episode of Food Wars. The way he cooks is so elegant, so intense. It was brilliant. Akali was pretty much drooling a water fall, Kai'sa had stars in her eyes and Evelynn and I were intrigued. The ramen he was making may as well only been found in 5 star restaurants, it looked so good.

Y/N: And now for the secret ingredient.

He pulls out a small phial of... Wait is that Dragon Diamond Powder!? He pours a little bit in each bowl and quickly serves them at the table. I was to busy focused on the fact he had one of the rarest cooking powders in the world to notice he was staring at me.

Y/N: Madame.... Bon Appetit!

We all quickly sat down and dug in. Akali got the first bite and I thought she was going to explode in sheer joy. She was literally crying and moaning from how good it tasted. The rest of us took our bites and I thought I'd never see the light of day again. This was so good, words could not do justice. Marco looked pretty neutral the whole time, the lucky man has such a good cook for a friend.

Y/N: I take it you all are enjoying your meal?

Nobody dares to stop eating, not even Evelynn which is something I'd never thought I'd see. Even I couldn't stop, I really wanted to as to not be rude but he simply chuckled.

Y/N: I'm glad I still got the recipe down. I haven't made this ramen bowl in a hot minute.

Marco: I'm still surprised you haven't used up that phial of powder yet.

Y/N: I only use it for special occasions like this one. Ionia product isn't exactly cheap.

Kai'sa How did you even afford Diamond Dragon Powder?!

Y/N: Yasuo gave it too me. As a thank you for saving Ekko from that Elder Dragon incident.

Akali: That was you!?

Y/N: It was a school field trip from a few years ago. I was still learning at the time but I met Yasuo when he was still building True Damage. Thinking about it now, I don't think I've heard from them in a while. Gonna have to call em soon and tell him how I cooked K/DA a good bowl of ramen with that powder.

Akali: Not if I do it first.

Marco: Alright, calm down. We're all super excited about an amazing bowl of ramen and how Y/N knows a band miss Ninja here was apart of until recently. Gotta get our heads together before they all explode.

Y/N: What got into you all of a sudden.

Marco: The positivity in this place is giving me a headache. I also just remembered we still have finals to study for.

Y/N: Oh shit your right! How long do we have.

Marco: They start Tuesday. Better get a move on. It was nice of you girls too spend time with us.

Ahri: Not a problem. Need us to drive you both home?

Marco: I'd prefer to walk, need to keep myself active. I'm sure Y/N would love too as well~.

Y/N: H-hey! Don't be putting those thoughts in my head! I'll see you girls another time. It was fun hanging out with you all. Let me clean the bowls and get everything moved back to my place.

With our meals finished and everything cleaned up, with bid them one last farewell and sat in silence in the living room. All of us no doubt thinking the same thing.

Ahri: He would make an excellent housewife.

Akali: Do you think we could hire him as a bodyguard?

Ahri: Probably, but knowing him, he'd most likely decline.

Evelynn: I'd hate having too use my charm on him too keep him around. So selfless he wouldn't allow a reward even if he deserves it.

Kai'sa: I d-do want to hang out with him m-more though... He was so nice...

Evelynn: Someones got a crush on the Man of Light I see.

Kai'sa: W-what!? N-n-no it's nothing l-like that!

Evelynn: Be honest with yourself darling. All of us here have the hots for him. He's not some crazy fan that wants to get in our pants. He's a selfless hero who does what he can do make this place safer for all of us. He deserves only the best possible reward.

Akali: She does have a point....

At this point, all of us but Eve were blushing. I agreed with her on everything but what if... I'm not good enough for him. What if it ends the same way it did in my last relationship. Almost as if she was reading my mind, Eve spoke up.

Evelynn: Don't let it get too you Gumiho. He's different from the asshole you dated before. I must warn you though. I plan to be his first.

Akali: Woah, hold up Eve. What if I want to be his girlfriend?

Evelynn: I wouldn't mind sharing. As I said, he deserves the best possible reward. Which means, all of us should be it.

Kai'sa: D-do you think he'll...

Evelynn: He'll no doubt hesitate but that's where we come in. To show him we can be all he wants us too be. It's only a matter of time.

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