Chapter 1. Another Day in Piltover

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Third Person POV

Welcome to Piltover where the crimes were on the rise up till a year ago. Thanks to the help of a certain Freelancer amongst the Piltover Law Enforcers or PLE, crime has really been put in its place.

Today a bank robbery had commenced a few minutes ago but little did the the little criminals know, today was a particularly bad day to pull a heist. Here we have Y/N and his buddy Marco on their way to high school today but Y/N being who he is, couldn't resist in helping his favorite girls out.

An awkward looking trio that consisted of Vi, the brawn of the Team. Caitlyn, the brains and leader of the PLE and Jinx, an unlikely criminal turned hero of Piltover during the Power War Crisis.

They waited patiently for Y/N to arrive but just as usual, he was running late. No doubt got into a deep conversation with Marco again but can you really blame him? The two have only known each other for a decade but have spent too much time apart. Y/N like always, feels the obligation to hear him out.

This is due to the fact, no one was there for him except his parents who moved away due to the job his father has. He was never really down about it since it's as he says 'It could always be worse'. His story was pretty bland but thanks to the mastery of his powers, he's done nothing but have fun helping people as best he can.

Oh! Here he goes now. Lets see things thrrough his eyes yeah?


Marco: And that is why I my step-mom hates me.

I shot the freckled redhead a worried glance. He never had an easy life due to family issues. I wish I could help but the least I can do is ease his pain.

Y/N: Sorry to bring that up. I don't want you to relive any bad moments in your life.

Marco: It's fine, this kind of stuff is normal.

Before I could say anything else, my phone starts vibrating. I pull it out of my jacket pocket and see that it's Vi calling.

Marco: You about to get your ass beat again?

Y/N: Yeah I know, I gotta go!

I then bolt off in a literally beam of light while answering the call.

Y/N: H-hey Vi-

Vi: Don't you "Hey Vi" me you slow ass monkey! We've been waiting on you for the past 10 minutes now and I'm starting to get cramps standing here!

I arrive right next to her and she was sitting down in her police car with Caitlyn and Jinx still standing up, looking at the entrance.

Y/N: Why did I already know you'd be sitting down when you said that.

She scoffs and puts the phone away. Quickly giving me the run down on the situation. Apparently these guys are held up with hostages at gun point. Caitlyn deduced this was the Highmaul Gang that has avoided capture for 3 months now. Sucks for them, their luck just ran out.

Y/N: Caitlyn, you gotta plan of attack?

Caitlyn: Their sniper is on the second floor expecting Vi to take the bait and rush in. Their two dumbass brutes are on standby to catch her while she's weakened. They picked this time specifically cause they knew you'd be in school but I see I need to let the principal know you got caught up in Freelance work again.

Jinx: I don't see why you just don't drop out.

Y/N: Well compared to most people around me, I'm not really smart. I just think rationally.

I said that while glancing over at Vi who did not seem pleased with my comment. I chuckle at she puffs her cheeks for a pout. And Caitlyn is thinking of marrying her? Not sure who's the lucky one these days.

Caitlyn: Y/N, you proceed threw the the window on the side they entered from. They may be smart but they'll never see you use their own entrance with your powers.

Y/N: On it.

Caitlyn: Jinx, Vi. We're on standby. Knowing Y/N, he'll be done in there before we even blink.

Vi scoffs once again and Jinx just whines. She wasn't wrong though. Most of the time I had everything under control by the time they come in to help. Well except that time I slipped on a banana during a car chase. That pedestrian is well known threw out Piltover for tripping the Man of Light himself. I'm still embarrassed about it.

 I shroud myself in a sphere of light and quickly move too the window she mentioned. Already on the second floor so this sniper is toast. I appear right behind him, removing my sphere coating. He was still aimed at the entrance, waiting for them to take the bait. Looking over his shoulder I see the small fries with the hostages.

Y/N: Anything good on?

Sniper: Huh?!

He snaps his head back to me but I quickly chop his neck, knocking him out. Time to begin the beatdown. I quickly put my ear pods in and quickly swipe to my playlist. I think I'll listen to some Nate from Give Heart Records.

I may not be a good singer and my skills with the guitar are limited but I defiantly could dance. Dance Fighting is kind of a thing for me. I coat myself in light again and within the blink of an eye, I snapped all the guns in two. Highmaul was still taking the time to realize what happened so I decided to do a little spin and shoot finger guns at the two brute.

They finally realized what was going on but it was too late. One of the small fries goes to grab a lady but I appeared right before him and slapped his hand.

Y/N: No! Bad Thug!

I then proceeded to slap him across the face and into one of the other small fries. The face he made was priceless, he grinned as if he just got kissed by an angel and was missing a few teeth. Maybe I should lay off the bitch slaps, those expressions are picture perfect but I needed to focus on doing my job, not laughing at idiot criminals.

The two brutes rush me but I slide underneath them in stylish fashion. They prove why they're called brutes and slam into each other like.... Brutes would... God they're so stupid! I hop on one of them and do a little tap dance on his had, annoying him. He tries to grab me but I quickly hop up and slam both feet on his head. I thought I saw a tooth fly out but that I ain't here for clean up duty so it ain't my problem.

The poor guy falls over holding his jaw so I proceeded to tap dance on his back. The other brute tried to grab me but my light then glowed around me and he went right threw me. He was confused and kept trying to come in contact with me. Stupid doesn't realize he can't psychical grasp light and since this was technically something similar, I'm almost completely untouchable.

Eventually I finish my tap dance with a kick to the second brute but then quickly pushing from behind into the first one. It looked like a sack of potatoes falling on each other. Just then I heard a couple of footsteps. The last two thugs were making a run for it so I fired a ball of light in front of them which completely burnt a whole in the floor. They stopped dead in their tracks and looked at me, eyes widened with fear.

Y/N: That's what light does when it's used for offensive moves. Now imagine what it could do to the human body.

They both slowly put their hands up and got on their knees. Smart choice.

The PLE quickly arrested them and put them all in a van.

Caitlyn: You been slacking?

Y/N: Nah I was just listening to some music is all.

Vi: Well you taking your sweet dear time to dance could've caused problems.

Y/N: But no problems arose so it's all good.

Vi: Really now?

She holds up her phone and my expression quickly turned to panic. It was currently 8:15

Y/N: I'M LATE FOR CLASS SHIIIIT!!! I gotta go girls!

I shoot off the ground and start the quickest damn journey to school I've ever made. Even if they fill in for me with my job, I still don't want to entice the wrath of Principal Fiora.

Akali POV

A nearby bank robbery was going on but I didn't pay too much attention too it since my graffiti art had a high priority in my list of things to do right now. I was making one of my usual dragons but this time I decided to do it on the wall of a rooftop so I wouldn't immediately get caught.

Caitlyn was getting really annoyed by this so maybe she won't notice immediately if I do something different for once. This time instead of one of my usual dragons, I made a Pentakill themed Gryphon. A little edgy but it was something new and Eve was always telling me to step out of my comfort zone.

I stand back to admire my work, I think I did pretty well on it. All of a sudden I hear someone freaking out, I thought someone was in trouble so I turned around to head towards the sound. But then all of a sudden I saw this guy in a very casual outfit surrounded by a sphere of light just zoom right past me. From what I could see, he was scared shitless. I take a moment to process everything cause it happened so fast.

Akali: Was that the Man of Light...?

That was all I could say before I heard Jinx yelling in the distance so I quickly booked it back to the penthouse before I get caught by Caitlyn again.

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