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"Mo Yuan!" He heard, but he was shattered and alone. He was tired already and his soul was in pieces. The unbearable pain, the loneliness, the sorrow at leaving everything he cared about behind was almost too much for him to bear, but he tried to go toward the voice. "Mo Yuan!" The voice was louder this time. "Mo Yuan! Listen to me! Come here! Come here now!!" The voice was one he thought recognized. It was his mother. "Mother! Mother, help me!" He cried. "My son, listen to me. You must hurry. Your didi needs you. You must rescue him from his present life at all costs. There is another one who you need as well. I will help you now. Focus your mind on finding the pieces of your soul that are left. There are two who need you. They both need your love and protection! I will help you, my son. Hurry!" She helped him gather the pieces of his soul and gave him the last piece and helped his soul to leave. Her voice cried out after him, "I love you, Mo Yuan. More than you will ever know!"
Zhe Yan had come to check on Mo Yuan.  He was shocked beyond all belief.  He had come to check on Mo Yuan and saw the signs of his return all over him. He rushed to the Fox Den to get Mi Gu to find Bai Qian. The fact that he had only been gone 20,000 years was surprising in itself. How could this be? He had no time to ponder it as he headed back to the cave. He had just sat down when Bai Qian came running in. "Zhe Yan, what's wrong? Mi Gu said you wanted me." "Look at your Shifu. What do you see?" She looked closely and saw the signs of life.  She picked up his hand and ran her fingers over his knuckles.  His skin was not so pale and he had slight twitches. "I need to transfer some energy to him but I needed you here to monitor me. I really need your father. We need a piece of that fungal grass to make an elixir. Can you go get him?" She rushed out of Yanhua cave to the den. She wrote out a message for her father and sent Mi Gu out straight away. Three hours later he flew into the den with her mother in tow. "Xiao Wu, what's so urgent!"  "Father, Shifu is waking up! Zhe Yan needs divine fungal grass to make an elixir for him! He wants you to get it!" Bai Zhi, looked at her for a moment and nodded. "Tell him I'll be back as soon as I can."
Five hours later Bai Zhi came back to Yanhua cave bloodied and bruised, but he had the fungal grass. Zhe Yan took the grass and turned to Bai Qian. "I'm going to Kunlun to make the elixir. Tend to your father!" He changed to his Phoenix form to fly faster. As he flew down to the entrance, he saw the divine mists flowing around the mountain. A sure sign Mo Yuan was coming back. He was met by Chang Shan, Mo Yuan's number two disciple. "I've come to make an elixir for Mo Yuan. I need you to assist me and call your brothers back to Kunlunxu. Your Shifu is waking up!" Chang Shan sent missives and ran to the chamber. Zhe Yan was very powerful, but he was draining his power for the elixir. He collapsed as soon as it was finished. Chang Shan had anticipated the outcome and had potions and elixirs ready for him. Slowly Zhe Yan raised himself up and took some tea and one more elixir from the boy. He stood and took stock of himself. The elixirs gave him the strength he needed to get back to Qing Qui.  Zhe Yan barely made it back. He stumbled into the cave and sat down next to Mo Yuan. Bai Qian and her father were there waiting on him. She had tended to her father's wounds and he was now stable. Zhe Yan put the elixir under Mo Yuan's tongue and sat back to wait. The moment the elixir dissolved, a golden glow came out around Mo Yuan's body and then went inward. Bai Qian picked up his hand and waited. His eyes started to move under his eyelids. His heart started beating. He took one breath and then another. His eyes opened and Bai Qian's face was the first thing he saw. "Shiqi!" He started to rise. A wave of dizziness came over him, but he waited just a moment to let it pass. Finally sitting upright, he took in his surroundings and finally let his eyes land on Bai Qian again. "My Xiao Shiqi! You have grown to be so lovely! Let me look at you!" She held out her hands to grab his to help him rise. He took in every inch of her beauty and almost decided it was too much for his eyes. Zhe Yan stepped forward. "Mo Yuan, the mists have returned to Kunlun."  A loud bell was ringing before he could finish his sentence. It was the Bell of Kunlun. It was announcing to the world that it's master, Mo Yuan, the God of War, had returned.  "Help me outside Shiqi, I'm still weak." 

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