Part 2, Chapter 38- Cassiopeia's POV

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Victoire looks away from Dominique just as Aunt Fleur, Uncle Bill, Annie, Gilbert, Evie, and Freddie come running over. Both Uncle Bill and Aunt Fleur go to Victoire first. Vic grabs onto her Mum and hugs her tightly. Teddy joins them moments after but he stands on the edge like an awkward third party instead of Victoire's husband.

Dominique laughs, "Vingt-quatre ans et tu n'arrives toujours pas à mener tes propres batailles, il faut que maman le fasse pour toi, pathetic." (translation- Twenty-four years old and you still can't fight your own battles, mum has to do it for you). Dom walks off, despite Aunt Fleur shouting at her to apologize. Dom takes Kate's hand in her own and in a blink of an eye apparates off.

Gilbert looks at me, "What did I miss?"

I shrug, "It was all in French. If I understood anything that just happened I would tell you."

The rest of us decide unanimously that it would be best if we leave Aunt Fleur, Uncle Bill, and Teddy to deal with the aftermath. Louis walks over as we are all leaving and whispers something to Freddie before going to join his parents.

"What time is it?" Ophelia says coming up beside me.

Theseus looks at his watch, "Nearly midnight."

"Oi! Leah, come here a second," Freddie calls. Ophelia groans but she goes over to Freddie all the same.

"Shouldn't you go over there as well?" Theseus says in my ear.

I turn around so I am facing him and smile, "I could... or we could say that you and I are calling it a night and sneak off into my tent."

Theseus's eyes light up under the moonlit sky, "Yeah... that works too," he whispers before taking my hand in his and walking towards the mess of tents that are set up around the edge of the property.

Now I'm not saying that I planned this ahead of time or anything, but I did set up my tent the farthest away from any of the adults, especially Mum and Dad.

Theseus goes into his tent so he can change into his pyjamas and I go into mine. We have a bunch of tents from a really awful camping trip that Mum and Dad took us on years ago. And because we all hated each other back then, Mum and Dad thought it would be better to get everyone mini tents meant for one person instead of a big one for all of us to share.

I change into some sweatpants and a tank top. Because it's the middle of winter, each tent has a heat charm on it so it just feels like you're inside the house rather than in a tent outside. I do my best to make the tent inside look presentable. I fluff my pillows, fold the extra blankets that I have on top of my backpack so that they are out of the way. I sit down on my sleeping bag cross-legged at first, then with my legs out in front of me, then on my knees, but I can't figure out which way looks the most attractive.

My tent zips open and Theseus crawls inside wearing the same tartan pyjama pant and jumper combo that he was wearing when he visited me in the hospital wing, "Look at you, waiting for me like that." Theseus says before closing the tent again, "God Cassiopeia."

I pull on his pant leg a little to get him to sit down instead of weirdly crouching in my tent cause he's far too tall to stand up all the way, "What?" I ask as he sits down in front of me.

"You, just..." He leans forward and kisses my lips slowly, "God," he whispers as he pulls away again. "I got you something for Christmas."

"You did?" I ask, we're both sitting cross-legged on the ground, our knees touching.

"Course I did." He says it like I offended him a bit; like it was obvious that he was going to get me something. He reaches into the front pocket of his jumper and gives me a thin black box, "Here darling."

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