38 | sole brothers

Start from the beginning

"Ever since Ms Applebaum started going out with Rudy, this class has gotten a lot easier," Eddie whispered.

"Now we just have to wait for him to screw it up," Azalea said, knowing this wouldn't end well.

"Yeah, well, I didn't do my report," Kim admitted, "But, I think I have another way around it."

"Kim, you are up," Ms Applebaum told her.

Kim stood up, "See, I was with Rudy-" she started and the teacher giggled like a schoolgirl, "And I worked on it with Rudy. And Rudy."

Ms Applebaum squealed loudly and looked like she was about to faint, "A+. I need some air."

"This is nauseating."


"Guys! Check it out!" Rudy told them gesturing to his computer, "Bethany's status says, 'in a relationship with Pudy pie'. That's me!"

"Congrats," Azalea said, "I just updated my status to 'Couldn't be less interested in my brother's love life."

"Hi, Pudy pie!" Bethany said as she entered the dojo.

"Hello, Bethany," Rudy greeted her back and the two started to giggle like teenagers.

"Goodbye Azalea," Azalea said as the other ones groaned in disgust. The couple was just about to leave when Kim stopped them.

"Hi, Ms Applebaum. I, uh, I meant to give this to you after class but since you are here. Happy Birthday."

"And they call me a teacher's pet," Azalea muttered as Ms Applebaum gasped in delight and a look of realisation washed over Rudy's face.

"Oh, you remembered it's my birthday. That is so sweet," Bethany said, looking over at Rudy who laughed awkwardly.

"It's just a box for your hair clips," Kim explained, "Really nothing."

"Oh, but it is something. It's very-" Bethany said but Rudy cut her off.

"It's pretty close to nothing," he said dismissively, "But you are really gonna love what I got you. Now close your eyes."

"This ought to be good," Azalea muttered as their teacher closed her eyes and Rudy ran over to the lost and found box.

"Uhm, see I shopped and I shopped and I shopped, until I found something that I knew you would love;" Rudy said while looking, "See, what I got you was this beautiful, super expensive, designer beret."

"Oh! I love it!" Ms Applebaum squealed loudly, putting on the red beret just as an unfamiliar woman entered the dojo.

"Hi, I left my really old, super cheap, non-designer beret in here the other day," she said, "Did anyone see it?"

"Aaaawkward," Azalea sang as everyone backed away from the scene.

"Is this it?" Ms Applebaum asked.

"Yeah, that's it!"

She angrily took of the beret and gave it to Kim who handed it Rudy who was chuckling awkwardly before throwing it at the woman who walked out.

"I can't believe you lied to me," Bethany said to Rudy, "Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. Maybe you are not the man that I thought you were. Goodbye, Rudy."

"Don't you mean Pudy pie?"

"Pudy pie is dead!"


Milton once again stood in front of their Health Class holding a presentation, but let's just say that the audience weren't as accepting as last time.

"The heart pumps over 2,000 gallons of blood a day, making it our most important organ," Milton finished and Ms Applebaum groaned.

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