34 | hit the road jack

Start from the beginning

"Yo, there is the new kid," Jerry said when a boy with brown hair walked past them, "I heard he transferred here from his other school cause he stole his principal's car."

"We don't know he did anything." Milton defended the new kid, "I don't judge a book by its cover. Let's go talk to him," Milton took a step before turning back, "You coming, Lea?"

"Sure, but if he turns out to be a psychopath I won't carry you to safety," Azalea said in amusement, walking after Milton to make sure he wasn't killed by the new kid while Jerry and Eddie protested behind them.

"Hey there," Milton greeted the new guy, "My name is Milton. These are my friends. I hold out my arms to you as a welcoming symbol of acceptance to our school."

"We are not hugging, dude," the guy said, looking at him weirdly.

"I high five you as a welcoming symbol to our school," Milton said instead, holding up his hand, "Come on, new kid. Nothing?"

"I wish I could say that he wasn't always like that, but that would be a lie," Azalea said, trying to save the situation, "So like a normal person," she pulled down Milton's hand, "I welcome you to our school."

"And what's your name?" the new guy looked her up and down with a small smile.

"Azalea. What about you?"

" Zane", he smirked at her, "I will see you around, Azalea," he winked before walking away.

"What do you do with the new guys?"


It was the day of the tournament and the dojo was packed. In the moment they were all watching Eddie's routine that would earn him his orange belt. When he was done the crowd cheered as Eddie took a bow.

"Whoo! Yay, Eddie!"

He walked over to two senseis and one of them handed him his orange belt, "Oh, thank you, sensei," Eddie bowed before turning to the rest of the crowd, "Today, I've become a man. From this day forward, when I pee, I will do it standing!"

"That is too much information," Azalea patted his shoulder, a slightly disturbed look on her face.

"Oh, he's here, he's here, he's here!" Rudy repeated, looking at a man who just entered.

"Who is here?" Milton wondered.

"Uh, certainly not a mysterious stranger from Japan who could change our lives forever," Rudy said nervously before walking over to the man.

But instead of following him Azalea walked over to Jack who was up next. "I'm kind of nervous," Jack admitted, "This guys I'm going up against hasn't lost in two years."

"Well, he is about to," Azalea said reassuringly, "He has no idea who he is messing with. Bobby Wasabi's second best student," she gave him a teasing smile.

"You are supposed to pep me, not yourself," Jack tried to look serious but he couldn't hide his smile.

"You will do great, I believe in you," Azalea told him, she was about to kiss his cheek when she was ushered off the mat. The referee signalled for them to start and it was brutal. Both of them were extremely quick and precise, resulting in both of them landing some kicks and punches.

The other guy managed to kick Jack in the stomach, resulting in him falling to the ground but he quickly stood up again. The fight continued and it looked like the other guy was getting frustrated because he became sloppier which gave Jack the opportunity land a good kick and win.

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