Dandelions :: George Weasley :: Part One

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Seamus Finnigan had blown up his textbook trying to cast a charm. It obviously failed, hilariously, as shreds of paper floated down around that corner of the classroom. The air was filled with an uproar of laughter. Even Flitwick laughed and helped a now flustered Seamus clean up the paper mess and issued him another textbook.

That's when it happened. That's when you met eyes with that redheaded boy who's had your attention recently. George Weasley. He had such a bright smile, and you nearly returned it, before you remembered your reputation that is given to every Slytherin by every other house, and rolled your eyes at the ginger boy.

"You know, it's a wonder you're not permanently injured, Finnigan," You remarked coldly, causing Seamus and his friends to glare at you. You sneered at them.

"At least I work with fire, not as cold as you," The pyro replied.

You laughed at his poor comeback. "Careful. Hot water freezes faster than cold."

The class returned to their studies for the rest of the class. You ignored whispers about you from Seamus and his many buddies... as well as those beautiful amber colored eyes trained on you as you read through your textbook. Thankfully the class ended soon and you all were dismissed.

As you followed a ways behind Seamus and his friends, you heard him laughing at you and poking fun at you to them. They didn't say much about you, for whatever reason, especially the two identical redhead boys, but as you passed Seamus, you shoulder checked him. Hard. causing him to drop his books.

You glanced over your shoulder and saw Seamus glare of pure anger, but he bent down and picked up his books, then muttered something under his breath as he turned down the opposite hallway.

Soon, dinner came by and you were required to meet in the Great Hall with your house. You weren't very hungry, but you didn't mind the thought of seeing Cecilia again. Your only kinda friend in the whole school.

"Hey! I heard what happened in charms class between you and Seamus!" Cecilia exclaimed a little too loudly when you sat across from her at the Slytherin table. Draco, down the table, listened intently to your conversation, his eyes trained on you with his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.

You ignored the nauseous feeling in your stomach at his cold gaze.

"Yeah. He's a prat," You regretted saying. You hated having to keep up such a dark and hateful reputation. You actually thought Seamus was funny and not too bad looking, but you'd never let him know that. He'd use it against you. In fact, you found many of the Gryffindor boys attractive, and wished that you'd worked up friendships with some of the girls in that same house as well.

"I heard every detail about the fight. Apparently you shoved him to the ground is what I heard. And you had some pretty nasty comebacks. It's had all of the Slytherin guys' attention all day. I keep hearing whispers about you."

"I didn't shove him to the ground, C. I'm not that dark."

"Aw, stop being modest," Draco spoke to you from across the table. You internally rolled your eyes and looked over at him. Which you instantly regretted. "A girl who can hold her own is attractive."

Cecilia gulped.

"Who said I was trying to attract you?" You retorted, making his grey eyes widen. "I'm not like every other girl in Slytherin. I'm not drooling over you and fantasizing about you in my head. You're not even on my radar, Malfoy. So lay off."

It was then that you had the whole of the Slytherin table staring at you and Malfoy. You nearly crumpled to the floor with all of the sudden attention, but something about the irritation you had with Malfoy kept you composed.

"Aw come on, humor me," He looked you up and down, biting his lip. "You've not thought of me at least once?"

"The one guy who's managed to sleep with the entire Slytherin girl's dormitory under the radar?" You scoffed. "You wish."

What you didn't know is that you not only had a load of Slytherin eyes on you, but you had a whole friend group of Gryffindors watching you and Malfoy as well.

You scoffed and turned to Cecilia. "I'm gonna head to bed early," You gave her that look that gave her all that she needed to know. You weren't going to bed. Your eyes were filled with tears and you needed a quick escape to the one place that you knew no one would follow you. The place you always ran to for time alone.

"Okay. I'll be in the dormitory after dinner if you need me."

You swiftly left the Great Hall and stormed through the hallways, wiping your eyes subtly so it wouldn't be obvious that you were holding back a breakdown. Once you made it up the final stairs into the Astronomy Tower, you found yourself leaning against the railing where you finally, finally... after weeks of holding it in... broke down completely.

It started off with a few broken whimpers but it eventually graduated into full and painful sobs. When your eyes weren't blurry with tears, they were trained on the many tiny twinkling lights in the sky. But what you weren't expecting... was to hear a voice from behind you. A male voice. One you knew all too well.

"Are you... crying?"

The Weasley Twins One Shot Book Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin