Chapter 79

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Chapter 79

"Give it to the sunshine
I wanna see the water with my own eyes
You know I like that, yeah I like that
Get a taste to the good life
Go a little wild on the inside
I'll never look back, you know I like that
I wanna feel, feel something good."


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"You don't even want to know the name?" Hayden asked. We were standing in the doorway of Jewel's now empty room and beyond grateful. Our time with Jewel had been short but we were more than okay with it.

Jewel just shook her head, sitting on top of her suitcase to try and shut it. "Nope." She grunted. "Then, if I ever want to meet her, I'll have her name to look her up and I know you both don't want that."

"Yeah, but even with that, you could still find her other ways," Hayden pointed out. I glared and she pinched her lips together.

"Well, I'm trying to stop that from happening. You two already hate me enough."

"Ain't that the truth." Hayden whispered. I snickered but quickly covered it when Jewel looked over with a glare. She let out a loud grunt and yelled, "Screw it!" before grabbing my wand from my pocket and using it to zip up her suitcase. I ripped it out of her hand.

"Um, you're not allowed to use magic, remember?" I tucked my wand back into my pocket safely. She crossed her arms and glared at me menacingly. "Don't give me that look. You're the one that decided to break the rules and drug me."

"Yeah, and what did you lose from it? You're back with Hayden, you got Josephine and now a new daughter! You're the one that won. I GOT DISOWNED!"

"You're kidding, right?" Hayden roared. I immediately stepped in front of her as she stormed towards Jewel. I knew if I didn't get in between, someone would lose some hair or get a black eye. Most likely Jewel; Hayden was pretty scrappy. She could easily kick Jewel's butt. And she had been extra irritated since she had started the Animagus process two weeks ago. Meaning she's had to carry a Mandrake leaf in her mouth for the past two weeks. She was extremely irritated, not that I could blame her.

"Babe, why don't you go check on the girls. I'll show Jewel out." she took a deep breath and walked away, grumbling something under her breath. I turned towards Jewel. "Get your crap and let's go."

She grabbed some bags while I grabbed her large suitcase and we made our way downstairs. She was gone within two minutes and I had never felt such a weight be lifted off my shoulders. When I went back upstairs, Hayden and Marlene were sitting in our room, talking as Hayden fed Angelica. She was still breastfeeding Josephine and the healers said it was okay that she fed Angelica as well. Breast milk is best for newborn babies. Or so everyone said.

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