Chapter 19:) I know you

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•••Haydens POV•••

" Daphne I need your ad- oh! Hi. "

" hi " Cedric replied. He was smiling at me. I had a tingly feeling in my stomach when he smiled at me.

" what's going on? " Daphne asked me.

" I need your help deciding something. Can we talk? " she nodded and we ran to her bedroom. Gretchen and Rebecca weren't in there.

She plopped on her bed and crossed her legs.

" what's up " I softly say on her bed.

" I think I'm going to break up with George " her eyes popped open.

" wh- wha- why? " she asked. It took all the courage and bravery I had in me to say these next words.

" I fancy Cedric " her worried expression turned into a smile. " I mean, not talking to him these past few months have killed me. A- and it's helped me realize how I truly feel about him.

" I feel like it'd be wrong for George, I mean going out with him when I don't feel the same anymore. But should I? I mean, I know Cedric doesn't feel the same way but I just- aaggghhhh! I don't know what to do. "

She stared at me.

" well, do you want my honest advice? " I nodded. " kiss them both. Which ever one makes you feel all tingly and happy is the one you should be with "

" I said honest not sarcastic " I snapped. She shrugged with wide eyes meaning 'I was being serious'.

" Hayden, all I can tell you is that Cedric misses you a lot more than you think. " she said grabbing my hand.

" then why has been he avoiding me for the past six months? " I asked. She stared at me.

" all I'm going to say is that his Uncle Jonathon is an idiot. " I nodded.

" trust me. I know. He offered me five knuts to let him pull my first loose tooth. I was five " Daphne started laughing.

" did you do it? " I pointed at my lip where I had a scar. She saw it and started laughing even harder. " so back to Cedric. I'm being serious. Kiss him. "

" won't that be- "

" amazing, all you've ever hoped for, all he's ever hoped for, spectacular, fantastic, breathtaking, magnificent- "

" I was going to say cheating! " I said. She mumbled a few words so I couldn't hear. I let it slide.

" do it Hayden. Do it " she said. I nodded.

" fine. George first. "


( one week later )

" hey babe what's goi- " I cut off George by pressing my lips against him.

He cupped my face softly but deepened the kiss. I felt him glide his tongue over my bottom lip. I quickly broke it apart.

" not that I'm complaining because trust me I'm not but what was that for? " he asked.

" nothing. I got to go " I said frantically. I started to run off but he grabbed my wrist and yanked me back to him.

My body slammed into his as he pressed his lips against mine once more. He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me in the air. I wrapped my arms around his neck unknowingly. He slowly set me down and rested his hands on my bum. It shocked me when he squeezed a little. He always grabs my ass but never squeezes. We continued kissing for a minute before I finally broke it apart, out of breath.

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