Chapter 94:) Three years later

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" MUM! COME ON! We've got to go see daddy! " Angelica screamed.

" okay just a second Angie! " I responded as I finished putting on my wig.


My cancers gone and now we just have to wait for my hair to grow back out. And keep an eye on me to make sure it doesn't come back.

" let's go let's go let's go. " she screamed.

" Angelica calm! " George instructed. She scowled at him. He lifted Skye up onto his shoulder. She was asleep.

" I want to see daddy! It's his birthday! " my daughter exclaimed. I nodded and picked up my bag.

" okay. Let's go " I grabbed her hand along with Fred's and we disapparated. George, Skye and Angelina followed us.

Angelina and I reconciled and now we're actually really good friends. She even asked me to be a bridesmaid at hers and George's wedding.

" there's my little girl! " Amos exclaimed when he saw us. Angelica ran up to him and hugged her grandfather tightly. He gave her a kiss on the cheek as he picked her up. " how you been darling? Have you been good for your mum? "

She nodded making me scoff silently.

" if you count ruining one of my wigs then yes she's been good " I muttered. Amos set her down and hugged me. " hi Amos "

" Hayden dear how are you? " he asked. I sighed and shrugged.

" Angelica let's go see daddy! " Fred exclaimed. He grabbed her hand and let her lead him down the hall. George, Skye and Angelina followed.

" I'm tired. Really tired. " I told Amos. He nodded and rubbed my back. " Angie's been a handful lately "

" well she's almost six Hayden. She's- " he was interrupted by Angelica yelling.

" DADDY! " I groaned.

" I swear one day she's gonna yell loud enough to wake him up " I grumbled. Amos chuckled and patted my back before we started walking towards Cedric's room.

" did you get a new wig? " Amos asked. I nodded.

" I had to. Angelica and Skye cut my other one. " he tutted and shook his head. " she said she prefers me wearing the blue one "

" that's Angelica all right "

" DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY! " I groaned and opened the door.

" Angie sweetie if you get any louder you're gonna wake up daddy. " I grumbled, setting my purse on the chair by the door. I turned around and dropped the water bottle I had been carrying. It spilled all over.

" mummy look! " Angelica screeched. I couldn't help but stare.

" am... am I dreaming? " I asked. The man in front of me set down my daughter and slowly walked towards me. " please don't tell me I'm dreaming "

" you're not dreaming. " he breathed. I was breathing heavily.

" Cedric? " he nodded. I let out a sob and hugged him tightly. He lifted me up and twirled me around.

I laughed loudly before he set me down. I placed my hands on his face.

" oh my gosh! You're really here! " I exclaimed. He nodded. We both had tears in our eyes.

" I'm here princess I promise I'm here. " he told me. Immediately I brought my lips to his. He held me tightly, kissing me back.

I missed this. The way our lips fit perfectly together like two missing pieces of a puzzle. I couldn't have ever kissed him long enough. It was too short for all the time we spent apart.

" I love you so much sweetie and I promise I am never leaving you ever again. " he breathed. I smiled.

" good. Now Cedric " I smiled at him as I held out my hand for Angelica. She ran towards me. I picked her up. " I'd like you to meet someone. "

" daddy! " Angelica yelled trying to get to Cedric. He smiled tearfully.

" Cedric this is our daughter " I told him. He sniffled.

" I'm Angelica! " our daughter squealed. He smiled and gestured to hold her. I nodded and handed her over.

" hi Angelica. I'm Cedric. I'm your dad. " he sniffled. " I love you so much sunshine "

She hugged him tightly.

" I've missed you daddy " she whispered. He let out a sob.

" I've missed you too " he pulled me into their hug and started sobbing. I started crying too. " I love my girls so much "

He's back.

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