Chapter 26:) the Dark Mark

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" Victor I love you "

" Victor I do "

Fred George and the Potters sang. " when we're apart my heart beats only for you! " I yelled in frustration and slammed my book shut.

" do you guys have to be so annoying? " I snapped. Ron stuck his tongue out at them. I turned to him " you too Ron! "

They all ignored me and continued celebrating Ireland's victory.

" sounds like the Irish have got their pride on! " Fred bellowed as we heard screams from outside. Mr. Weasley came rushing towards us.

" stop it stop it! It's not the Irish. Fred George. You're in charge of Ginny. Head to the woods. Everyone stick together! " he yelled. We all ran outside to see tents on fire and people in the air.

" that's sick " Ron muttered with a disgusted look on his face. I felt someone grab my wrist.

" come on! " George yelled. He started dragging me to the woods as Fred dragged Ginny.

I lost his hand when I tripped over a tent pole. I was about to get up when a cloaked figure came up to me.

" name and blood purity " he ordered. I took a sharp breath.

" Hayden Black. I'm sure you can figure out my blood purity based on my last name " I snarled. He growled and ran away.

" Hayden come on! " George yelled, running towards me. I tried to stand up but fell back down when a pain came to my ankle.

I looked down and saw blood running down my ankle and a bone not where it should be.

" son of a- "

" come on! " George yelled at me.

" George! I can't walk " I cried. He looked down at my ankle and gasped. More death eaters were walking towards us.

I knew they were going to ask about his blood. To them, he was a blood traitor. I was a blood traitor.

" tell them you're my fiancée " I said quickly. He looked at me weirdly but couldn't get any words out because the next moment we were surrounded by death eaters.

" name and blood purity " a tall one demanded.

" I already got the girl. She's a Black. Sirius's daughter most likely "

" what about the boy " the tall one asked again.

" George Weasley. " George said with a look of fright on his face.

" he's my fiancée " I told them. They nodded and backed away. George turned to me. " they wouldn't dare mess with me. I'm a murderers daughter. Remember? "

He nodded and picked me up in a bridal style. He started running as fast as he could.

" where's everyone else? " I asked.

" in the woods. We lost Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Daphne " I gaped at him. He jumped over a fallen tree. Once he landed my ankle did a weird cracking noise and I yelled out in pain.

Despite my ankle and my cousins missing, I was only worried about Cedric. I wanted to make sure he was safe.

" HAYDEN! " Ginny and Fred ran up to us. George gently placed me on the ground and looked at my ankle. He immediately looked away. " what happened? "

" I'm not sure " I responded. George and Fred both started ripping their shirts to wrap my ankle with. Ginny held my hand as I screamed out in pain. " where's Cedric? "

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