Chapter 93:) best fwiends

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After coughing up blood for a week I took Molly's advice and went to St. Mungo's. Who knows how long I would've made it if I hadn't.

" Hayden! Let me in please! " Fred begged banging on my door. I stared at the blank wall as tears streamed down my cheeks. " REG! Please come on! "

I grabbed my wand and flicked it at the door. It unlocked and slowly opened. He slowly walked in, sitting beside me.

" what's wrong? You haven't talked to anyone in a week. " I reached onto my nightstand and handed him the letter. He looked at me curiously before reading it.

I didn't look at him but I saw his tear drop down onto the already tear stained paper.

" okay... you're moving in with me or mum. We will take care of you and Angelica and- "

" Fred give it up! " I sobbed. " it's over! "

" stop that Hayden! I can't lose you too! " he cried. I looked up at him. He had tears in his eyes. " fine. I'll move in with you "

" no Fred- "

" yes! " he snapped. " I mean it Hayden. You are fighting this like your life depends on it because Hayden it does! "

We were silent for a moment. I leaned my head on his shoulder and sobbed softly.

There was a small knock on the door.

" Hayden? Someone really wants to see you " Angelica came running past Harry and climbed up onto my lap.

" mama! " she screeched. I smiled and hugged her. " mama are you okay? "

" I dunno sunshine. I dunno " I told her.

" what's wrong? " Harry asked walking in. Ginny came in behind him, holding his hand.

" whas wong mama? " Angelica asked. I sniffled as Fred rubbed my back.

" mamas sick sunshine. " I told her.

" I'll help! " she exclaimed. Before I could stop her she ran out of the room with Ginny chasing her.

" what do you mean sick Hayden? " Harry asked. I laid my head on Fred's shoulder

" lung cancer " Fred whispered. I could see Harry breaking inside. That's how I felt.

" I- I " harry stuttered. We heard footsteps and Angelica ran in the room with a popsicle in her hand.

" mama always gives me poppies when I sick " she explained. I smiled and took it from her.

" thank you sunshine. " she smiled and hugged my legs. I kissed the top of her head. " I love you "

" I wuv you too mama " she leaned up and gave me a kiss. I smiled. Fred picked her up and set her in between us.

" what's wrong? " Ginny asked sitting beside Harry. He whispered to her. Her face fell.

We all sat in silence ( with Angelica's singing ) for what felt like forever. I was scared. Absolutely terrified. But first things first.

" Fred " he looked at me. " if I... you know, then will you take care of Angelica please? "

" of course. " he reassured me. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

I looked at everyone.

" I love you all so much " I breathed.

Harry grabbed my hand.

" thank you for everything "


" Molly I'm fine. I can handle a stack of plates " I told her. She frowned but gave in. I took the stack of paper plates outside to the tables that Bill and Charlie had set up.

" here let me help " Charlie exclaimed. I hid the plates from his grasp.

" I am fine! I'm not a baby Charlie " he glared at me before heading back towards the house. I placed the fifteen plates all around the table

" mummy mummy look! " I bent down by Angelica and smiled at the flower she had brought me.

" you know what kind of flower this is? " I asked her. She excitedly shook her head. " it's called a Daphne "

" like Aunt Daphne! " she exclaimed. I nodded. " it's pretty "

I grabbed the flower and tucked it behind her ear.

" you're pretty " I told her. She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

" thank you sunshine! " I let out a laugh.

" no no no no! That's mummy's nickname for you! " she nodded.

" what do I call you? " she asked.

" mama or mummy is okay with me. As long as it's nice " she stared at me.

" I call dada daddy? " I nodded. She grabbed a lock of my hair and started twirling it. " what does he call me? "

" well that's up to daddy. And I'm sure he will decide as soon as he wakes up. "

" what does dada call mama? " I sat down on the grass and pulled her onto my lap.

" dada calls mama lots of things. He's called me beautiful, love, darling, angel, sweetie, babe, baby, my girl, princess. And of course he's called me Hayden "

" don't forget crazy "

" and insane "

" and hyper "

" and lazy " I glared at the twins as they sat down across from Angelica and me

" what does dada call Uncle Fwed and Uncle George? " our eyes popped open.

" you don't need to know what dada calls them " I told her.

" is it naughty? " she asked.

" sometimes yes. Dada and Fred and George didn't get along very nicely. " I told her. Fred and George sniggered.

" you did? " Angelica asked me. I nodded.

" Fred George and I grew up together. We've been best friends for a long time " she smiled.

" you're my best fwiend " she retorted. I smiled as she hugged me.

" you're one of my best friends. You and daddy " I told her. She let go of me and looked up at the sky.

" you, Uncle Fweddie, uncle Georgie, Dada, Uncle Hawwy and Aunt Daph Daph. And cousin Skye " I smiled. " my best fwiends "

" I'm honoured " we all told her.

" I love you sunshine " I exclaimed. She smiled at me with her stunning smile. She was so beautiful.

" I wuv you too mama "

" DINNER! " Molly shouted. We all sat at the table, Angelica in between Harry and I. Ginny was feeding Teddy in his high chair. Or attempting to.

I heard a clanking noise and saw Arthur raising his butterbeer bottle.

" to Hayden... another year with her which we all are eternally grateful. Happy Birthday Hayden. " I smiled.

" happy birthday " everyone echoed.

" thank you all. " I muttered. They were grinning at me. " you all make lung cancer bearable "

They all chuckled.

" but seriously. I don't think I would've survived these past years without all of you. So thank you "

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