Chapter 14:) Quidditch Game

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" I really wish you could come " Cedric said, a few weeks later.

" I know. I'm sorry. I want to come " I told him. He looked down at he ground. " I will definitely be there when Hufflepuffs play Gryffindor. "

" didn't I tell you? We are playing today. " I stared at him with my jaw dangling. He nodded and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. " apparently the Slytherin seeker is injured so they rescheduled the match. Hufflepuff is playing instead. "

" now I feel even worse. "

First quidditch game of the year today. Gryffindor was playing Hufflepuff apparently. Great.

" maybe I can steal Harry's invisibility cloak and come down " I suggested. He shrugged.

" I just wish you could be there " he said entwining our fingers. We held them up and stared at them.

" I wish I could too " I responded. We frowned at each other. " I'm sorry Cedric "

" it'll be fine " he said. We didn't untwine our fingers. " I gotta go get ready "

I nodded.

" is it bad that I don't want you to leave? " I asked. He shook his head.

" I don't want to go either. I promise I'll be back as soon as it's over " he said. We started walking towards my bedroom door.

I can't go into the common room without getting harassed. Hell, I can't even be in my bedroom without getting harassed. Thanks to Angelina.

" good. I don't want to be alone " I whispered. He stared at me. " Lee said I could go up in the commentator box with him "

" I don't want you to risk it. " Cedric said.

" or I could go to Remus' office " he shook his head and gave me a stern look.

" if you want to see Remus I'll send him up here. You can't leave your room sweetie. You know what'll happen if you do " he brushed hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

" I know " I looked down at the ground. He sighed and pulled me into a hug.

" I'm really sorry Hayden " he whispered. I nodded and tried to keep back tears. " I'll be back as soon as possible okay? I love you "

" I love you too " I responded. We fist bumped and he left. I flopped myself on my bed.

I had already memorized the ceiling pattern. After being stuck up here for three weeks I get bored. I have come up with some interesting ways to entertain me. Let's just say that because of Dreads' ruler the Gryffindor tower is officially a foot taller than the Ravenclaw tower. George and I had reconciled. He apologized for calling me stupid. He was just jealous because of how much of my attention Cedric gets.

" sorry. No one can break Cedric and I apart. " I had said.

" I understand. Is there any way you would take me back? " he asked hopefully.

" I'm sorry George. You called me stupid and I really didn't like that " I said.

I stared at my dressers. A pile of paper airplanes had filled it entirely. That and fortune tellers. I still had divination homework.
Plus a pile of letters I had gotten from my dad. He had written me every day for the last three weeks. I thought he was going to kill George when I told him what happened.

Dear Puppy,

I would say that George better watch his back but it seems Cedric already got him for me. ( ps if you ever date Cedric you have my blessing. He seems like an amazing guy and he'd be lucky to have you )

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