Chapter 55:) Day with Fred

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" hey how you feeling? " Fred asked as he rocked on my chair. I sat up.

" like sh** " I replied. He smiled and nodded.

" that's Hayden! Always keeping it classy " I glared at him. " but seriously. Do you need anything? "

" can I get a soda? " I asked. He nodded. " with a bendy straw! "

" I know " he shouted as he walked out. I smiled and tucked myself into my covers. Right as I grabbed my book the door opened again. I frowned " what are you doing in here? "

" oh just making sure the woman I love is feeling okay " I scowled.

" George you need to stop that. " I responded. He sat where his brother had once sat. " I don't love you "

" you know... I think that's the worst thing a human can hear: I don't love you. It really hurts but I love you so much I don't care. " he whispered. I frowned.

" well don't " I muttered.

" how can I not? I'm still fighting for you Hayden " he responded.

" what about Daphne? " I asked. He ran his fingers through his hair.

" she's amazing. Absolutely amazing but I don't love her "

" ouch " I muttered. He leaned his elbows on his knees.

" you know why I'm not giving up Reggie? " I stared at him. " because I know... deep inside... you still have feelings for me. And I'm determined to get them to show "

" yeah good luck with that. I have no feelings for you Weasley. Besides annoyed. " he chuckled. How can he be so happy about such a serious topic? " George I'm marrying Cedric. I love Cedric. Cedric loves me "

" something we have in common. We both love you " I rolled my eyes.

" the difference is that I love Cedric. Not you " why was he so adamant? There he is smirking at me as I tell him I love Cedric.

But suddenly a lump came to my throat. A lump I had been familiar with all week.

" George " I choked out. He stared at me with confusion. I felt myself gag; it was rising in my throat. I gagged again " George! "

Finally he caught on. He quickly grabbed the waste basket and held it up for me. I grabbed it and retched right in it. Gross.

He just rubbed my back as I puked. I'll admit. George is really sweet. That's one of the things I liked about him but Cedric is the sweetest person alive.

After a minute I finally stopped throwing up. I groaned as my stomach churned and grumbled.

" are you okay? " he asked. I slowly nodded. He handed me a cup of water so I could rinse my mouth. It tasted awful " do you want some saltines? "

I made an 'I dunno' sound.

" Georgie I don't feel well " I mumbled. He rubbed my back as I leaned over the garbage. I fought to get out my words " where's Cedric? "

" prefect duties remember? " I groaned and suddenly started crying. I had been extremely hormonal this past week. " why're you crying? "

" I don't know! " I sobbed. He looked shocked to see me crying. " I don't feel good Georgie "

" I know sweetie I know. Why don't you lay down. " just as I started to lay back down the door slowly opened and Fred walked back in with my soda.

" here you go Reg " he whispered in a soothing voice. He set it on my nightstand and knelt beside my head.

" one of you should stay with me " I grumbled.

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