Chapter 73

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"Is this her?" Ron asked as I set Josephine's carried on the bench beside him. He went to lift the cover but I stopped him quickly.

"No, this is a rental." I replied, my sentence drenched in sarcasm. He gave me a dry look. "Of course this is her!"

"She has Cedric's eyes." Hermione breathed. "She looks a lot like Cedric. Except she has your blonde hair."

"I know." I responded. "She's beautiful, isn't she?"

I was absolutely smitten with my daughter. Being a total mum. LOOK AT HOW BEAUTIFUL MY DAUGHTER IS! Oh well. I didn't care.

I stole a piece of bacon from Lee's plate and quickly ate it before he could argue.

"Um... Hayden?" Fred gestured up to the staff table.

"Right," I mumbled. I set down the bacon. "Watch her."

He nodded as I started to walk up to the staff table. Straight to Umbridge.

I felt the entire hall stare at me but I didn't care. She had on a sick smile as I walked up to her. She stood up but not at eye level. She was a good four inches shorter than me with my platform heels on. 

"Good morning Ms. Black. What may I help you with?" she asked. I glared at her trying to stop myself. I couldn't.

The entire hall gasped as my hand made contact with her cheek. She held her now red skin in her hands.

"You hurt my daughter. Do it again and trust me you will not live to see tomorrow. Am I clear?" she straightened herself up.

"You may not speak to me that way Ms. Black," she replied, "join me in detention later."

"Bite me. I'm dead serious Umbitch. Even look at my daughter and you will pay." I growled. I stormed away to the sound of applause. I got a standing ovation but I didn't care. My middle finger waved goodbye to Umbitch as I walked back to my daughter.

Fred hugged me tightly.

"I'm going to go." I yelled over the deafening noise. He nodded. "I'll see you all later." I picked up the carrier right as Fred kissed my cheek. I had to get Josephine out of there before all the cheering woke her up. When I finally made my way out of the hall, I ran straight into the person I had everyone searching for. I let out an oof at the collision.

"Hayden!" Cedric remarked. I forced a smile. "You... you had the baby?"

"Yeah," I mumbled. I scratched the back of my head nervously. "How are you, Cedric?"

"Getting better, I guess. Pomfrey has me on this medication that's supposed to help my panic attacks. Oh and... I need to tell you something... about Jewel..." I internally groaned. He saw the pained look on my face and sighed. "Can we meet sometime? Like at the Three Broomsticks."

"I can't, I have plans with Fred." His brows furrowed. Right then, Josephine started sobbing. I sighed, leading him over to a bench. I took our daughter out of her carrier and started cradling her. "Oh, sunshine, you're okay, aren't you?" I cooed. I heard Cedric growl under his breath. He was looking at her arm. "Yeah, I already slapped Umbridge."

"Good." We were silent for a moment before he blurted out, "what're you and Fred doing?" I sighed nervously. Did I really want to discuss this with Cedric? He is my husband. But then again, he's divorcing me. So yeah, I would tell him.

"We're gonna go out to dinner, talk about some stuff." He nodded, licking his lips. "So... does your dad know? About... your PTSD?"

"Not yet. I'm kinda scared to tell him. He's always wanted me to be this perfect son and now that I have a disorder-"

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