Chapter 97:) sledding

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" mummy we're home! " Angelica shouted as the door shut. She and Skye ran up to me and I picked her up.

" hey Sunshine! How was sledding? Did you two have fun? " I asked. I saw them both shivering. Skye clung to my leg. " cold? "

" can we have hot chocolate? " she stuttered. I nodded and set Angelica down right as Cedric came in.

" Angie, Skye you tracked snow in the house " he told them. " go clean it up and by the time you're done your hot chocolate will be done "

" okay " Angelica mumbled storming off. Skye chased after her. I would be surprised at how George got such a smart three year old but then again her mother is Daphne so...

He walked up to me and pecked my lips.

" how was sledding? " I asked. He shrugged and hopped up on the counter. I hit his knee. " off "

He grunted and hopped off.

" fun. We went up to St. Ottery hill with dad. Skye broke my eardrum by the way. " I chuckled. He grabbed an apple and tossed it back and forth. " whatcha makin? "

" bratwursts " he nodded. " want to make the hot chocolate? "

" I guess. " he grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

" my hero " I said in a dry tone. He smiled and kissed my cheek.

" oh you love me " he responded. I smiled and kissed him.

" I do love you " I told him. " I'd love you even more if you kept Angelica and Skye busy while I make her cake "

He groaned loudly as the timer beeped. I flipped the bratwursts in the pan.

" hot chocolate! " Angelica exclaimed running in after Skye. I eyed Cedric.

" okay okay okay Sunshine. Daddy will get it if you go sit down " he told her. She nodded and sat down at the table. She and Skye started playing pretend as they waited. With a wave of his wand he had two hot chocolates made.

" lazy " I whispered. He growled softly in my ear. " stop that! "

" stop what mummy? " Angelica asked.

" daddy's growling at me " I told her. She jumped up and started growling at me loudly. Cedric smirked evilly at me before he growled too. Skye joined in too. They just got louder and louder. " OKAY OKAY okay okay okay! What do I have to do to get you guys to stop growling? "

Cedric bent down and started whispering to Angelica and Skye. They nodded vigorously as he lifted Skye up and set her on the counter. I gave him a stink eye and he put her on his shoulders.

" kiss daddy! " Angelica screamed. I gave Cedric a dry look.

" they came up with it all on their own. I had no decision in this " he told me in an innocent tone.

" oh really? " I asked. He bent down so I was face to face with Angelica. " did you come up with that? "

" kiss daddy, mummy " she instructed. I chuckled as Cedric stood up straight.

" kiss daddy, mummy " he said. I rolled my eyes and leaned up to kiss him. It was just a quick peck making him whine. I rolled my eyes once more and turned back to flip the bratwurst.

" hot chocolate! " Skye yelled. Cedric ran over to the table and set her down.

Within five minutes the girls were shouting for me to look at her hot chocolate mustache. Cedric ended up taking a picture.

" okay! Nap time " I instructed. They all started whining. " just Angelica and Skye "

" oh well yay " Cedric exclaimed. The girls still whined.

" mummy I'm seven! I don't need a nap! " she cried. I eyed her.

" aunt Hay! "

" bed! Now! " my daughter scowled and stomped her foot. Skye ran up to her bedroom " don't you want to be alert for your birthday party tonight? "

That got it.

" bed time! " she yelled before running upstairs. Cedric kissed my cheek.

" I got her " he told me. I smiled.

" thank you "

•••Cedric's POV•••


" bed time! " I smiled and stood up, kissing Hayden on the cheek.

" I got her " I whispered. She smiled giddily.

" thank you " I nodded and followed my daughter up to her room. She was trying to take her shirt off. Skye had already climbed in bed.

" hey there Sunshine " I bent down and helped her put on a dry shirt.

" thanks daddy " she mumbled. Hearing that always makes me smile.

" yep. Now bed time " she frowned as I picked her up and placed her in her bed.

" daddy I don't want to go to bed " she complained. I sat beside her bed and grabbed her hand.

" why not? " I asked. She sat up.

" I'm scared I'll go to sleep the way you did " I lost my breath. I worried her that much? " when you were asleep I heard mummy cry herself to sleep a lot and I don't want to make her cry. "

" why did Aunt Hay cwy? " Skye questioned. She crawled out of her bed and climbed into her cousins. I sighed.

" aunt Hay cried because she missed me. And Sunshine you won't fall asleep like I did. I got injured badly and the only way I could survive was to fall asleep for a while. " she frowned.

" okay well what if I wake up and you're not there " Angelica asked. I frowned.

" come here darling " I picked her and Skye up and carried them to my bedroom. Setting them in my bed I crawled in next to them and held Angelica in my arms. Skye sat on my stomach. Angelica held me tightly. " listen... I am never leaving you. I love you too much to stay away from you and I've already missed so much of your life I am not going anywhere. I promise that. "

" I love you too daddy " she muttered.

" i wuv you Uncle Ced " Skye added. I smiled and I kissed the top of each of their heads. " will Aunt Hay have another baby? "

" I dunno. She needs to focus on getting better right now. Remember she was sick so now she has to get better. " she nodded.

" am I ever gonna get sick like mama was? " Angelica asked.

" I certainly hope not. " she looked up at me.

" do you love mama, daddy? " I nodded.

" I love mama more than anything. You know, we were just a little younger than you when we first met. "

" how did you guys fall in love? " I chuckled at the memory.

" well... I fancied mama ever since the moment I met her. But it took her a while to return my feelings. Then I made a stupid mistake and somehow it made her fall in love with me. " Angelica giggled.

" daddy made a really stupid mistake " a voice from the door said. Hayden. She crawled on the bed on the other side of Angelica. We all were squished together. Skye climbed on top of her " but I realized that I couldn't live without him and I immediately told him I love him. "

" will I love someone like you two love each other? " Ange asked. I smiled at Hayden. She was beautiful.

" if you do sweetie then you are the luckiest girl in the world " I whispered. They smiled at me. " I love my girls "

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