Chapter 57:) the Last Task

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•••Haydens POV•••

Today's the day. Oh sh**! Oh sh**! Oh sh**!

Stay calm Hayden. Cedric is going to be fine. He'll win then we can graduate next year and get married and live happily ever after together.

Cedric is going be fine. I just have to keep on telling myself that.

Cedric is going to be fine.

Cedric is going to be fine.

Right now he wasn't my fiancée. Right now he was my best friend. My oldest, closest, sweetest, ( hottest ) friend. The thought of losing my fiancée is awful but losing my absolute best friend in the entire universe might kill me.

I was so scared I was sick to my stomach. Cedric doesn't need to know this though. He's nervous enough as it is. He's been spending most of his time in the library studying. Trying to find something to help him. I've been lodged in my bedroom. I haven't attended breakfast in weeks. Like I said. I'm sick to my stomach I was so nervous. Not was. Am.

Fred and George have been trying to help me calm my nerves. It doesn't really help though. All I want is Cedric by my side but he's been so busy studying the only time we see each other is classes dinner and when he comes to say goodnight to me every night.

But he hasn't even came to say goodnight for the past week. Daphne says she's found him passed out in the library the past three nights.

I think what Cedric is most worried about is me. I was involved in the last task and he's afraid I'm going to be apart of this one too.

I'm scared for him. I wake up in the middle of the night bawling my eyes out because of the dream where he's gone. It happened the same every night.

I wake up screaming and crying.

One of the twins, usually Fred, runs in.

He gets me to stop crying. He holds my hand until I fall back asleep. Then he leaves and goes back to bed.

Fred has really been there for me lately. I am extremely grateful. Without him I'm sure by now I would've been out in a straight jacket. I can't stop fidgeting.

But it's not Fred I want right now. I just want Cedric to hold me and tell me everything's going to be okay. I think he needs to believe that himself before he tells me that though.

Though throughout this entire week, the worst part hasn't been throwing up or the dreams. It was the letter.

My beautiful Hayden,

Merlin I love you so much. And that's why I'm writing this. I know I should say it to your face but I feel like I'm going to die if I do that. So here goes:

The last task is in two days. I know we're both nervous as hell that somethings going to happen to me. I'm more worried you'll be apart of it but I know you're more worried about me. I'll be fine.

But if something does happen to me... I want you to move on. Go on dates and live your life. It hurts me so much thinking of other guys kissing and holding you but I want you to move on if I die. But if I stay and survive than I promise you that I am never leaving your side ever again.

You were right Hayden. I was stupid to enter this tournament. I never should've done it. Maybe if I had told you I wouldn't be in this mess. Shows how smart I am.

But if I can... I will win. Then we can live the rest of our lives together. We can elope or something. I just want to be married to you as soon as possible.

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