Chapter 53:) You little- OH MY GOSH PLEASE FORGIVE ME!

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•••Cedric's POV•••

" have any of you seen Hayden? I haven't seen her since last night. " I cried sitting down at the Gryffindor table. They all shook their heads.

" sorry mate. I haven't seen her. Is she all right? " Lee asked.

" I don't know. " I snarled.

" are you alright? " George asked. I huffed.

" do you care? " I asked.

" not really but Hayden cares a lot about you so I'm trying for her. " is he really still trying to impress her? She's mine! We established that yesterday when we got engaged.

" you know what Weasley. Leave Hayden alone! She is mine and always is going to be mine! I'm sick of you always flirting with her right in front of me and acting like I don't exist. We're getting married so get over her! " I snapped. They all looked at me in surprise. I realized what I had just said. " Merlin George I am so sorry! I'm just- "

" I understand mate. You're under a lot of stress. I understand. " I sighed. I felt awful.

" seriously though George. That's no excuse to snap at you like that. I'm so sorry! " I cried.

" seriously mate! No wonder you're in Hufflepuff. It's fine! I'm just glad to know you can hold your own without Haydens help " I rolled my eyes. " you need to start standing up more Diggory. Starting with the lake. "

" how did you- "

" we overheard the trio plotting in the library " I nodded. " go save your precious object. "

" oh my gosh! " Fred exclaimed. " I know what you're object is! "


I couldn't dive in the water fast enough. I had to get to Hayden!

The bubblehead charm was working. I could breathe.

Which way do I go? Left. Let's go left. Let's? It's just me.

I looked around. Fleur, Viktor and Harry had all swam away. I started to swim left but I felt something grab my ankle.

I turned around to see grindylows. I grabbed my wand and aimed it for the awful creatures.

" stupefy!b" I yelled. They were blasted back and I kept on swimming.

Minutes went by. It felt like hours. The water was freezing but my mind was on Hayden. I had to get to her.

Suddenly I saw another group of grindylows. I hurried and hid behind some seaweed but I saw someone swim by.


I tried gesturing to her to stop but she kept on swimming.

The grindylows got her.

I was scared to go on but I did. After about fifteen minutes I saw Harry.

He had found them! I swam towards Hayden as fast as I could.

I swam up to him as grindylows started attacking him.

I shot a spell at them which made them leave him alone. He turned back to thank me.

I blasted Hayden's ropes free and grabbed her arm. I'll admit, even with her being frozen she's still extremely beautiful. She always will be. That's my fiancée.

I tapped my watch at Harry letting him know how much time we have left. One minute.

I started swimming upward with Hayden. Her black and blue hair was floating all over the place. She was pale and cold but still so beautiful.

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