Chapter 85:) Hogwarts

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•••Fred's POV•••

" George Fred. Go protect the east wing. Hayden go with Bill. " Remus told us. She nodded and was about to run off when I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me

" be safe " I said.

" always. " I grabbed her neck and pulled her into a kiss. She pushed away after a second and took off after Bill.

" come on mate " George said. We took off towards the east wing. We made it up to the second floor when we came face to face with death eaters.

" expelliarmus " I cried. A death eater flew back while the other sent a spell at George narrowly missing him.

" go take care of the other " George yelled at me. I ran towards the other one that I had sent back. He was trying to get to his feet.

" stupefy " he yelled. I went flying backwards. I landed on my back. It knocked the wind out of me. I tried to stand up but the man stood over me.

" mirroculus " I yelled at the same time he yelled the killing spell. A mirror appeared in my hands. The killing spell hit the mirror and bounced back hitting the death eater and killing him.

" I just meant for his looks to kill him nothing else " I said getting up and pushing his body off me. I saw George being tackled by the other death eater. " PETRIFICUS TOTALUS! "

The death eater froze. George pushed him off and ran towards me.

" you're on one tonight brother. " he said slapping my back. " come on. "

We ran up the stairs to the astronomy tower. We were a floor below when we heard screaming.

It pierced our ears. Sent shivers down our spines. It was a heart breaking scream.

I suddenly realized who's it was.

" HAYDEN! " I bolted up the stairs. Fenrir Greyback was standing on top of her. Bill was thrown to the side and had scratches all over his face.

" FRED HELP! " she cried. I felt two arms wrap around mine. They made my hands go behind my back and wouldn't let them move. I couldn't help her. " FRED HELP ME! "

" just watch her. Watch your precious Hayden. " someone whispered in my ear.

I expected her to scratch her but instead he whipped out a knife and pulled up her sleeve.

" DONT TOUCH HER! " I yelled.

The grip on my arms tightened.

" GEORGE DO SOMETHING! " I yelled. He was over by Bill.

Some other death eater came up behind him and put him in the same hold I was in.

" FRED HELP ME! " Hayden cried.

" shut up you stupid bloodtraitor. "

" LEAVE HER ALONE! TAKE ME INSTEAD PLEASE JUST DONT HURT HER! " I yelled. They ignored me. I watched Greyback dig the knife into her arm.

She let out bloodcurdling screams. I watched her struggle.

" REGGIE STAY CALM! " I yelled.

" FRED HELP ME " she yelled. Suddenly someone came in.

" it's time " Snape said. George was let go first. Then me. I rushed to Hayden's side. All the death eaters left.

" shh shh Reggie it's ok. I'm here. " I said. She was weak and crying. She was losing a lot of blood.

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