Chapter 24:) Quidditch World Cup

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" me? Going to the quidditch World Cup? That's laughable " I said. I picked up my root beer and took a sip.

" Arthur said he got a couple extra tickets. Harry, Daphne, Hermione and... you " Remus responded with a cruel smile. I glared menacingly at him. " you're going "

" I don't even like quidditch! " he looked down at the cards in front of us as he spoke.

" yes but you like the Weasleys " he stated.

" on some days " I mumbled. He glared at me and I groaned loudly. " fine! Fine! When do we leave? "


" oh hello Hayden dear " Mrs Weasley greeted as she squeezed the life out of me. I winced. It was so tight " they just barely left so I bet you could catch up with them. "

" great " I said sarcastically. She handed me a apple as I adjusted my bag on my shoulder. I forced a smile. Mrs. Weasley was actually a really nice lady it's just her sons that can drive me insane. " thanks. I'll see you tomorrow "

" see you tomorrow " she repeated smiling at me. I opened the door and took off across the dark path.

It took me ten minutes to catch up with them. I was already tired as it is but that walk just wore me out.

" you look tired " Fred stated as I walked up to them.

" no dip Sherlock " I snapped. He held his hands up in defense. " I just barely woke up and I don't do exercise "

" Hayden! " Daphne yelled as she ran up to me. She picked me up in a hug. I groaned.

" you've gotten stronger " I stated.

" I had to. Dudley and his gang got stronger " she sighed.

" Daphne you're sixteen. Why do you let a bunch of fourteen year old boys pick on you? " I asked. George took the bag off my back as we walked.

" they don't pick on me. They pick on Harry " we looked back at Harry, Ron and Hermione who seemed to be in deep conversation about something.

Daphne pulled me away from the boys and started whispering.

" hey, um... has your scar been hurting lately? " she asked in a hushed tone. I shook my head. She frowned " mine and Harry's have been. And he's been having dreams about you-know-who. He wrote to your dad and- "

" woah woah woah wait, " I stopped her. " he wrote my dad! " She nodded, gulping. " if my dad comes out of hiding because of him I swear I will kill Harry. And you " I snapped. She nodded. " I mean it Daphne. He's been living in a cave for the past month. "

" why can't he live with you and Remus? " Daphne asked.

" the Ministry comes over every Saturday to check. " she nodded and we continued walking.

" so what's going on with you and Cedric? " she asked. I shook my head.

" nothing " I responded.

Cedric and I agreed not to tell anyone we were dating yet. We want to keep it quiet for a while. If anyone knew we wouldn't really get to enjoy it without people butting in. Especially Daphne. We knew that if she saw us kissing or even holding hands, she'd started squealing like a little piglet. So at the end of the school year Cedric and I both talked to her and told her we worked out our problems and everything was fine.

When she asked about our crushes, we lied and said it must've been the effect of spending so much time apart. Of course that didn't fly for Cedric. So he just said he's working on it. She seemed to buy it.

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