Chapter 61

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An hour later, Hayden was sitting in front of me between my legs and my hands were running up and down her bare arms. I was on a high. I had never felt so incredible in my life. Ignoring the fact that my forehead was stinging. I was married. My beautiful bride was sitting with me and she was carrying my child. I was more than a little shocked when she told me. I mean, we had just been announced as man and wife and then, "Surprise, honey! I'm prego!"

Now we were sitting on the beach, just relishing in our happiness. I wished I could feel peace and in a way I did, but I also didn't. My head was spinning about everything. Hayden and I really rushed into this marriage. We don't even have anywhere to live. And since we don't have anywhere to live, where are we going to raise our baby? And what are we going to do now that Voldemort's back? If we have to move out of the country to stay safe, would she agree? Or would she argue the way only Hayden could? And what're we going to do about school next year with a baby to handle? How will our dads react to the news that they'll be grandparents in a couple months? Are Hayden and I ready to be a mum and dad?

"I can hear you thinking." Hayden murmured, rolling around in the sand to look up at me. "Baby?"

"Just thinking about the future." She smiled, stretching to kiss me. "I love you."

"And I love you." She let out a puff of air and stood up, outstretching her hand to me. "C'mon, we gotta go."

"Go?" She pulled me to my feet and reached into her dress, where I realized she was carrying her wand.

"We should probably go tell our dads that we eloped, don't you think? Then..." she stood on her tiptoes, pressing her lips against my ear. "We get to act like husband and wife for the rest of the night."

"Thank Merlin." Our lips met once again but this time, Hayden and I disapparated in the middle of our kiss. We broke apart when we heard a loud shriek.

"Oh my-!" We both faces Sirius and Remus, both of whom were racing towards us. Hayden blushed, looking down at her dress, only to be completely ignored by her father figures as they ran to me. "Cedric, we just heard what happened!"

"Please tell us you're alright!" Both grown men looked at me anxiously. Hayden huffed.

"Aw thank you! Daphne helped me pick it out and she also gave me the idea for my hair to be in the sort of elegant bun. I'm really glad we decided to go to a beach because I did not want to wear shoes! This dress is torture enough." I held my hand out for her and she walked towards me.

"Remus, Sirius, I'm okay. I'm perfect, actually! Why wouldn't I be when I have this beautiful woman beside me?" They finally looked at Hayden and grinned, hugging her and kissing her cheek.

"You truly are beautiful, puppy."

"Thanks, papa." Remus sighed, letting his hands drop to his sides.

"Date night? Or celebrating one of our new Triwizard Champions?" He asked, gesturing to our fancy clothes. We shook our heads. Hayden leaned against my chest, placing her palm above my heart. I wrapped my arms around her.

"I would not wear this dress on a simple date. This is my wedding dress, thank you very much." They both were slack jawed as they stared at us. Sirius was the first one to speak.

"You eloped?" We nodded. And that was when I noticed the crestfallen look on his face. "C-congratulations, you two. I wish you all the happiness." He started to walk away when Hayden reached out, stopping him in his tracks.

"Dad, we wanted you there-"

"Hayden, you don't have to explain yourself to me." She let go of me to grab his hands.

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