Chapter 49:) Daphnes confession and Phillips mistakes

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•••Cedric's POV•••

" found her " I looked up the stairs and saw Hayden and Daphne walking down. Hayden was acting as if she couldn't give a care in the world. I knew this was all cheesy for her. I wouldn't have come either but Mcgonagall said I have too and I had to have a date.

I knew with that special spell, she had changed her hair color to a beautiful black.

" you look amazing " I told her as she met me.

" yeah yeah yeah " she teased. I chuckled and lightly kissed her. She smiled " you look a million times better than I do "

" not possible " she chuckled. " but I'm being serious. You look... wow "

" I hope wow is good " she joked. I nodded, biting my lip and looking her up and down. She lifted my chin " you look pretty wow yourself. "

I placed my hands on her waist pulling her towards me.

" you look so hot right now all I want to do is snog the hell out of you and I promise... I will " she smirked as I kissed her cheek.

" that's sounds very promising Mr. Diggory " she exclaimed.

" you have my word Miss. Black " she had a surprised look on her face.

" deja vu " I chuckled and led her down the stairs.

" Mr. Diggory! Miss Black! Get in line. You are right after Miss Delacour and her date " I led Hayden over to where we were supposed to stand. She started twisting her mother's ring on her middle finger.

" I know you think this is really sappy and cheesy... " I started. She looked up at me. " but I really appreciate you coming with me. "

" of course. Why wouldn't I come with you? " she gave a small smile.

" then I guess my self confidence is a little low. I just thought you would rather spend the night in your sweats in the Gryffindor common room. " she shook her head.

" yeah that sounds pretty fun right now but I'm happy just being with you. And if you want to do this then I'll do it too " I smiled and kissed her cheek as the doors opened.

" ready? " I asked. She inhaled sharply.

" as I'll ever be " I chuckled and led her into the great hall. Her pale skin was tinted pink from embarrassment. Tons of people were staring at her.


" that's it! I'm done! " Hayden shouted over the music. She stormed over to the table Ron and Harry were sitting at and sat by Harry. I chased after her.

" what's wrong? " Harry asked.

" my feet are dying! " she shouted. I chuckled as she ripped off her shoes and threw them at the floor. She looked up at me. " give me your shoes. "

" yeah okay " I chortled. She glared at me. " so what happened to your dates? "

" who cares? " Ron grumbled. They both looked depressed.

" hey Harry " his head shot to Hayden. " I would like to dance with you please "

" why? " he grumbled. She slapped his arm.

" because you're my god brother and I feel like we should dance. " he looked up at me as if to ask for approval.

" watch out for your feet " I warned him. She scowled at me. " I love you! " I said in a cheesy voice.

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