Chapter 70

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~Hayden's POV~

Dear Hayden,

I'm sorry. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I do now. We need to talk. Meet me in Hogsmeade on your birthday at noon. Preferably at Honeydukes.


It was five minutes to noon and I was still in my pajamas. Mum and dad had woken me up with birthday pancakes like they used to before everything happened. They had even brought Bash and Addy home to spend the day with me. Yes, I wanted to spend the day with them but I also wanted my husband with us. But I was still so mad at him. And Fred. I had ignored all their letters for the past three weeks. I had even gone to another doctors appointment without Cedric. He'd probably be upset when he heard about that but I didn't care.

"Hayden?" Mum knocked gently on the door. I hid the letter underneath my pillow and told her she could come in. "Hey sweetie, your dad and I wanted to take you out for lunch."

"How? What with dad being a convicted felon, I don't think it's the best idea." she gave me the look she usually reserved for dad. The are you kidding me look.

"Get dressed!" she barked before leaving.

"Yes, mother." it wasn't quite an insult considering she was actually my mother but when I used to say it to Remus, he found it quite insulting. I grabbed some clothes and got dressed, using my wand to curl my hair and apply my makeup. It was kind of decided that I wasn't going to meet Cedric. But then, at that thought, I got a lump in my stomach. I sighed heavily.

After telling mum, dad and my siblings what was going on, they all agreed I should go speak with him. So I went and waited outside Honeydukes. I sat at one of the tables, shivering for what felt like ages before I finally got a glimpse of Cedric's chestnut brown hair through the crowd of Hogwarts students. I felt sick when I saw Jewel clutching his arm like a lifeline. He gave a small smile as he walked up, but Jewel was smirking at me evilly.

"Hi, Hayden." Cedric mumbled. I waved but my eyes were still stuck on her arm around his. Then, I noticed she was wearing his Hufflepuff jacket.

"Wha-" I breathed, meeting his eyes. Something was definitely wrong. "Cedric, what's going on? I thought you wanted to talk."

"I do." He said, glancing between me and Jewel. "I know that things have been really ro-"

"I don't want to do this with her here." I said firmly, cutting him off. He pursed his lips for a moment before nodding and turning to Jewel. He whispered something, which made her pout, before she huffed and walked off. He then sat across from me and pulled out a manila envelope from his jacket. "What's going on, Ced?"

"Hayden, I never meant to do this to you." he remarked. Tears welled in my eyes. "But I can't do this."

"Speak, Cedric! Just blurt it out!"

"I'm in love with Jewel!" he shouted. He glared at me as if I had wronged him. Meanwhile, I felt like my life was falling about. "After meeting her and her telling me how toxic our relationship is, I realized she was right. This isn't a good relationship, Hayden. You shouldn't boss me around and treat me like I'm nothing. I shouldn't bow down to your every word and will. So, I want out. I want a divorce and I want to put the baby up for adoption."

There was a charged silence as I stared at him. He avoided my gaze. I let out a mirthless laugh, shocking him. "Happy birthday to me, huh?"

"Oh stop!" He snapped. "Don't play the victim, Hayden! You've treated me horribly. I died and you were more worried about finding out your mom was still alive! You chose being with George over your friendship with me! You didn't ask me if I wanted you to move into my room with me. You just did it without even asking me! You tell me you don't want me to hang out with girls while you go and hang out with Fred and George! You don't care about me, Hayden!"

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