Chapter 90:) 1:29

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I heard a high pitched ringing in my left ear as I came to. I saw Fred rush towards me, tears stained on his face.

" Hayden are you okay? " he asked. I nodded slowly.

" my head hurts " I murmured. He sniffled and hugged me.

" I thought we lost you too " he whispered. Too?

" what do you mean too? " I asked. He let go of me and stood up, clearing my view. My heart broke. I started sobbing madly. " NO! NO UNCLE REMUS COME BACK TO ME PLEASE! YOU CANT LEAVE ME PLEASE! "

I laid down next to his body and hugged him tightly.

" please come back to me " I whispered. Fred placed a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and hugged him tightly.

" Hayden that's... not all " Molly whispered. I looked up at her.

" is one of your- "

" no no. No Weasleys were killed. But... " I looked past her and saw red hair on the ground.

" NO I WANNA DIE I WANNA DIE! LET ME DIE! " I screamed into Fred's shoulder, hitting him as hard as I could. He flinched. I let go of him and crawled over to Daphne's body. " DAPHNE COME BACK PLEASE! "

" Hayden Hayden Hayden Hayden! " Fred tried to pull me back as I hugged Daphne's body.

" YOU IDIOT! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? YOU IDIOT! COME BACK TO ME DAPHNE! " I screamed at her. Her eyes didn't open. Her fingers didn't twitch. Her chest didn't rise. " please Daphne I can't lose you too "

I heard a sob from behind me.

" is Daphne...? " Harry asked bending down beside me. I nodded. For the first time since I've met Harry Potter, I watched him cry. Actual tears came out of his eyes.

He was screaming so hard Arthur had to hold him back. He was screaming harder than the time Dad died. I sobbed into Fred's chest as George cried on Ginny's shoulder.

I grabbed his hand. I felt a cool metal on his finger.

They were engaged?

" George were you and Daph...? " I asked.

" I LOST THEM! " he shouted. " I LOST THEM! "

" them? " Molly asked. I suddenly realised.

" was Daphne pregnant? " Fred asked. George sobbed harder and nodded. Harry and I cried even harder than I thought was possible.

" we... we found out a week after we... after we... " we all stared at him. " I WANT HER BACK! "

" I WANT MY SISTER BACK! " Harry shouted.


" George... it's not good to swear " a faint voice cracked. We looked down at Daphne. Her green eyes were open and little color was coming to her face. George bent beside her as did Harry and I. Molly called over Madam Pomfrey.

" Daph are you alright? " I asked. She shook her head.

" I'm dying. " she whispered. I held back a sob. " I know this. Don't cry. Please. I'm begging you don't cry "

We all tried our best not to cry in front of her. It didn't work very well.

" George... " he looked down at her. " I love you. "

" Daph stop that. Please stop that. You- you can survive this. Then we can go have our baby. Have a real wedding, with everyone there. Please. I love you so much and I'm not letting you leave me " he sobbed. She placed a hand on his cheek.

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