Chapter 12:) He looked at me like I was stupid. I'm not stupid

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" Miss Black. We have some rather hard news for you " Dumbledore said the next morning.

" how bad? " I asked.

" students are seeming to think you snuck your father into the school last night " Snape said. I scowled at him.

" why does he have to be here? I'm not a Slytherin " I snapped.

" that's not important. What is is how the students are taking this. Or how they'll take it out... on you " Mcgonagall stepped forward.

" so... what? " I asked. They all stared at me.

" you will not be attending your lessons for the next couple weeks. Let the students forget this and hopefully everything will go back to the way it was. " Dumbledore explained. I furrowed my eyebrows at him. He could see my confusion.

" Miss Black. You will be the target for bullying for the next couple of weeks. To keep this from happening you are to stay in your tower for the next couple weeks. " Snape snapped.

" what about eating? " I asked.

" I'm sure your friends will be more than willing to bring you food " Dumbledore said.

" what about homework? "

" Miss Black. When have you ever cared about homework? " Mcgonagall asked. I snapped my fingers and pointed at her.

" that's true " I smirked.

" I expect your friends to bring your homework to you " Dumbledore said.

" quidditch matches? "

" you don't play "

" hogsmeade trips "

" definitely not. Townspeople are afraid of you and your father " I scowled.

" library? "

" do you even know how to read? "

" zip it Snivellus " I snapped. " okay I got it. Am I excused? "

" yes Miss Black. You are excused. " Dumbledore waved me off.

" can I least go to breakfast? " they all exchanged looks. They nodded reluctantly.

" then go straight back to your dormitory " Mcgonagall said. I nodded and rushed out of there.

I climbed down the stairs and started walking through the hall when I felt two arms snake around my waist and lift me in the air twirling me around.

" hiya " George exclaimed setting me down. I chuckled.

" I'm on house arrest " I said. We started walking. " I can't leave my dorm for anything. "

" not even breakfast? " George asked.

" I'm going to breakfast now. Then I have to go straight to the tower. " he frowned.

" what's the point of going to class if you're not going to be there? " he asked slipping his hand in mine and entwining our fingers. I smiled.

" you have to go to class Georgie " I said. He shook his head.

" I don't wanna " he whined. I chuckled.

" but you gotta " he smiled at me.

" I have like no friends in any of my classes today " I guffawed.

" only Fred Lee Daphne Angelina yuck! Alicia Kenneth and Cedric " he scowled at the mention of Cedric's name. " what's wrong? "

" nothing. It's nothing " we stopped walking.

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