Chapter 78

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"Come and put your hand on my shoulder
If you walk alone it'll feel so much longer
I know I can't promise tomorrow it'll be over
But I know together we can be so much stronger
Cause we gon be alright, don't fall apart
Cause we gon be alright, don't lose your heart
We can make it through today
There's a light inside to guide us
One step further from afraid
Cause we gon be alright."

•••Cedric's POV•••

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•••Cedric's POV•••

I stormed into my bedroom, going to slam the door behind me until Hayden stopped it. She slammed it behind her and walked up to me calmly. I was pacing, ready to pull my hair out. "Don't we ever get a break!" I shouted. She sat on the edge of our bed, watching me. "That woman has made our lives a living hell! And now she springs this on us! What have we ever done to deserve what she's putting us through! We are good people, I'd like to think! She took me away from you when I needed you most and she took advantage of me in my depressed state! Then, right as you and I fix things and we're happy again, SURPRISE! She's freaking pregnant! And she doesn't want to be in the babies life at all! And now my child might have a disability! I don't understand how you're not more upset!"

Hayden was just sitting there, calm as can be. I was expecting her to be the one yelling and me to be the one to calm her. Have our roles reversed or something? It really did astonish me at how calm she was being. Maybe being a mother did that to her or something.

"Cedric, I am upset. I hate that girl and you know it. I hate how she tore our family apart and right as we sewed it back together, she's tearing at the stitches again. I don't like how she just assumed that I'll act like a mother to her child because it's your baby too and I hate that she took advantage of you when you were going through all of that. I hate how she sprung this on us all of a sudden and I hate how she's making you feel. But Cedric," she outstretched her hand and I grabbed it. She pulled me towards her, wrapping her arms around my neck, "we have to look at the bright side of everything. Dad was in prison for twelve years and when he got out, did you ever hear him complaining? He was always laughing at something. Now he's gone and I want to honor his memory by looking for the upside in almost everything."

"Almost everything?"

"It's me." I chuckled, nodding my head. She did have a point. "But with all this. Like her breaking us apart, now we're even stronger. Her being pregnant with your baby, Jo will be an older sister! The baby possibly having a disability, you and I will grow from that experience. Me raising another woman's baby, I get to prove that I love you and everything about you. I will raise him or her as my own. Happily! Because they're a part of you, so they are automatically incredible and very cute."

"You're incredible." I whispered. She smiled, brushing her nose against mine before kissing me. I grabbed her waist and held her to me as our lips brushed together gently. We broke away and just embraced each other tightly. "I love you."

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