Chapter 50:) Cedrics bright idea

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" mate! " Phillip called after me as I entered the Hufflepuff common room. I ignored him. I heard him groan " Cedric come on! You won't even talk to me? "

" no " I snapped. I continued walking. He chased after me, yanking my arm so I would face him. " what? "

" where were you mate? " he asked.

" on a date with Hayden. " he nodded.

" why're you avoiding me too? " he asked.

" you hurt Daphne " I stated. " and she's my friend "

" you were my friend too. And she hurt me too. You think I liked seeing the girl I was in love with fancy someone else. Imagine if Hayden fancied George again. How'd you feel? "

" she loves me. That's the difference. Hayden and I are meant to be together and we are going to spend our lives together. And even if she did fancy George I wouldn't hurt her. " I growled.

" oh you're going to spend the rest of your lives together? So you've proposed? " I was about to respond when I realized I didn't know what to say. " thought so "

" just because I haven't proposed doesn't mean we won't spend our lives together. And I will propose... someday " I responded. He gave me a dry look

" if you are do it soon. Life's short mate and you don't want her slipping through your fingers " he walked off leaving me thinking.

What does this mean? Am I going to propose to Hayden? We haven't even been dating for a year. And we still have a year of school left. What would she say if I did ask? It's Hayden. If I'm being realistic she'd probably say no or not yet.

And if I did ask I'm still old fashioned. I would ask Sirius and Remus for their blessings. Remus would probably be hesitant but Sirius... well, he would probably ask why I haven't asked him sooner. He's always liked me. Don't know why. I thought he would've preferred George; a prankster like him.

But he's always said he likes me being with Hayden. Not George. Luckily.

There's a lot of things to think through before getting engaged.

" Cedric you're causing a drift with all your pacing " a voice said. I turned around and saw Daphne. " hey what's wrong? "

" nothing. Nothing I'm just thinking! Just thinking " she sat down on the couch and patted the spot beside her. I reluctantly sat down. " I- I'm just thinking about my f-future with Hayden. "

She nodded.

" what about your future? " she asked.

" if I should propose or not? " I blurted out. She didn't seem surprised.

" are you ready to be engaged? " she asked. I shrugged. " I know! "

She started digging through her bag until she pulled out a magazine.

" it's a muggle magazine. Remus sent it to me last week. There was an article on how to get over your ex and one on how to know if your prepared to get engaged. " she started flipping through the pages.

" so he just happened to send a magazine with an article about engagement in it? " I asked surprised.

" I know! Ironic isn't it? " I nodded, incredulously. " ah hah! Found it! Okay number one out of... twenty six. "

I groaned.

" hush! Now number one: do you know each other's career goals? "

" shouldn't we be doing this with Hayden? " I asked.

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