Chapter 21:) the Jacket

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I walked up to George the next morning and sat down beside him. Luckily he was alone.

" George I need to talk to you " I said. He nodded and turned to face me. Merlin this was hard. " I- uh- I'm- uh- I'm- "

" breaking up with me " he finished. I stared at him in shock. " I kinda figured. You've been acting really distant this last month and I figured it was coming. "

" if you knew I was going to break up with you why did you tell me you love me? " I asked.

" I do love you... as a friend Reggie " I let out a sigh of relief. " as long as you're happy I'm happy "

" really? So you're not mad about my feelings about Cedric? " he shook his head.

" oh I'm pissed. But I already hated him so I feel like it's fine " I nodded shocked. " I could never hate you Reggie "

" really? I kinda hate myself " he rubbed my arm.

" don't. You're a beautiful somewhat scary girl. Cedric is really lucky he got you. Make sure he knows that of he breaks your heart I break his face " I chuckled and nodded.

" technically we're not together yet. Daphne and I have a plan. "


" you got it? "

" yeah I got it "

" why do I feel like we're trading drugs right now? "

" twenty galleons for some weed. " Daphne said in a low voice. We both started laughing.

" okay. You better go get ready for the game " I turned to face her. She nodded.

" it's in my locker " she told me. I nodded. " why don't you come with me and I'll tell you the com and how to get in it "

I nodded and followed her.

We walked in the Hufflepuff locker room and I immediately saw Cedric. He was talking to Phillip about something. He seemed to be gesturing a lot.

" Hayden! Woohoo! Over here sweetie. That's better. Okay now! " Daphne said. She clapped her hands together. " my com is 10-21-77. Get it got it good. "

I smiled and nodded.

" why're you smiling? " she asked.

" Cedric's birthday is October 21st 1977 " she stared at me.

" I'm not sure whether to be happy for you or pretending to be sick " I rolled my eyes.

" okay what's next? " she explained to me for five minutes on how to open her locker. I started daydreaming as she explained by she snapped me out of it. " I'm sorry. You're boring. "

She glared at me.

" Daphne are you ready? " Phillip yelled at her. " oh hey Hayden "

" did I hear you say Hay- OW! SON OF A BITCH! " Cedric had run into an open locker. I couldn't help but laugh. " ok you can stop laughing. It's not funny "

" it really is " I said. He stuck his tongue out at me. I returned it. He rolled his eyes and walked back over to his locker. " careful. Your locker might be open "

" ha! Ha! " he yelled at me in a sarcastic tone. I chuckled and turned back to Daphne.

" so I see you two are better now " she said. I nodded and smiled. She finished getting ready. " well I'm glad. That was the most awkward six months ever "

" imagine how I felt " I responded. I sat down on the bench and sighed.

" how're you feeling? " she asked sitting beside me.

" overwhelmed " I blurted out. " I'm worried about my dad and how this is going to go with you-know-who "

" you mean Voldemort? " I glared at her.

" I mean what if he doesn't actually want me to be his girlfriend? " I asked.

" he does. Trust me. You're all he ever talks about. 'Hayden is so beautiful' 'I miss her so much' 'if she wasn't dating George I would ask her out but... you know' 'she thinks I hate her. I don't hate her. I bloody fancy her' " I chuckled.

" okay! Go have fun in Hogsmeade! Get me something from Honeydukes! " I exclaimed hugging her. The Hufflepuff team was spending the day in Hogsmeade together.

" okay. Are you sure you can't come? " I nodded.

" I need to go see Uncle Rem " she nodded and hugged me.

They all left and I headed towards Uncle Rems office. But I was stopped along the way.

" Hayden! " I groaned and continued walking.

" go away please Draco " I grumbled.

" fine but I need to talk to you sooner or later " I flipped him off and walked away, forgetting about Uncle Remus.


" you look good "

" thanks. " I scrunched my nose and looked down " it's so bright "

" yep. You're like a bumblebee " she chuckled.

" honey no " she laughed even harder. " where's Cedric? "

" in the showers. Some Slytherins threw mud " she responded. I nodded and sat on the bench. She started getting dressed as I stared at the wall.

" oh I got you some candy. It's in the bag " I started digging through the bag when I saw a giant spider. I screamed and jumped away from it as Daphne started laughing.

" YOU BRAT! " I screeched.

" what's so funny? " Phillip asked sitting down beside me.

" your face " I responded. He held a hand to his heart.

" are you ever going to be nice to me? " he asked.

" are you ever going to be nice to your mirror? " Daphne laughed even harder as Phillip wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I cringed at the interaction.

" nice jacket Hayden " Phillip complimented. My face went red.

" thanks. "

" I'm pretty sure number six is Cedric's number. Hey Cedric!! " he yelled. I slapped his arm. Cedric came walking over. His head was covered by a towel and he only had on a pair of shorts.

My face went bright red but luckily he couldn't see.

" what's your number again mate? " Phillip asked.

" number six " Phillip turned and smirked at me. " why? "

" he's just wondering " Daphne quickly said. Cedric took off the towel and saw me. In his varsity jacket. He smiled as he saw it.

" is that my jacket? " he asked. I nodded giddily. " what're you doing? "

He was staring at me with a grin.

" I'll tell you later... when we're all alone. " I responded smirking at him. He smiled and walked off.

" so why are you wearing his jacket? " Phillip asked.

" none of your business " I said, rising to my feet. " I'm going down to dinner. I'll save you a seat at the Gryffindor table Daph. Phillip... I'll see you later. Hopefully never "

And I walked down to dinner.

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